Find a recent article about the use of lasers in our lives

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Reference no: EM133205553

Discussion Post: Lasers and Lights

1. Laser use is becoming more common within our daily lives. From medical use to development with weapons, their use is fairly common in the news. Find a recent article about the use of lasers in our lives. Choose an article that has not been posted by another classmate. Do you agree with this use? What are the pros and cons of this use?

2. Do you think nuclear power is a productive idea, or a danger to the environment? Try to find as much information as possible to support the opposing viewpoint (i.e., if you think nuclear power is dangerous, find all relevant scientific publications that suggests its relative safety, and vice versa).

Reference no: EM133205553

Questions Cloud

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Find a recent article about the use of lasers in our lives : Find a recent article about the use of lasers in our lives. Choose an article that has not been posted by another classmate. Do you agree with this use?
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