Find a problem in managing global supply chains

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13316900

Team Case Analysis

The purpose of this assignment is to identify and apply SCM concepts/tools to solve problems in managing global supply chains. Students will be assigned to groups of 3 members randomly by the instructor.

As a team, you are expected to find an interesting SCM problem from the real business world, think about how you can apply the SCM concepts/tools that you learn in this course to solve the problem, and write up a report based on your analysis.

More specifically, each group should:

- Find a problem in managing global supply chains from the real business world (from work or from any business articles/cases)

- Identify specific SCM concepts/tools that can be applied to the problem

- Apply an appropriate SCM concept/tool or a set of appropriate SCM concepts/tools to propose a solution to the problem

- Analyze the expected results that may be obtained when the solution is implemented.

The report should be 8-10 pages in length including the cover and appendices, with 1" margins on all sides, double-spacing, and 12 point font. The cover of the report should include title, class code and name, section number, names of team members, and date of completion.

Reference no: EM13316900

Questions Cloud

How fast does air flow in the duct : A 20 cm radius air duct is used to replenish the air of a room 9.2 m multiplied by 5.5 m multiplied by 5.0 m every 10 min. How fast does air flow in the duct
Audit risk model and discuss how they interact : Audit risk is a key consideration and guide to planning an audit - explain why and list the key components of the Audit Risk Model (ARM) and discuss how they interact?
Calculate what is the peak discharge at the reach outlet : Use the Muskingum method to route a flood through a reach a river. The base flow is 100 cfs, and the incoming flood flow increases 50 cfs every 2 hr over a 6 hr period and the subsides at the same rate.
What is the buoyant force on the diver in sea water : A scuba diver and her gear displace a volume of 65.0 L and have a total mass of 64.0 kg. What is the buoyant force on the diver in sea water
Find a problem in managing global supply chains : MGMT 4337 - Team Case Analysis Find a problem in managing global supply chains from the real business world and identify specific SCM concepts/tools that can be applied to the problem
Compute the density of the rock : A geologist finds that a Moon rock whose mass is 10.15 kg has an apparent mass of 5.68 kg when submerged in water. What is the density of the rock
How much work was done during this process : An ideal gas has its pressure cut in half slowly, while being kept in a container with rigid walls. How much work was done during this process
Determine what is the most probable length : a line was measured five times, the readings were: 100.08, 100.51, 100.32, 100.16, 100.22. what is the error. What is the most probable length.
Calculate the change in internal energy of the gas : An ideal gas expands isothermally, performing 4.36 multiplied by 103 J of work in the process. Calculate the change in internal energy of the gas


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