Reference no: EM131033754
Source Integration Exercise
MLA format
Length 1-2 pages typed (5 entries)
Find a citation per each thesis prompt below that either supports the claim or runs counter to the claim. The citations may be from They Say, I Say, Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick, or from another source. Each entry should have a sentence or two explaining how the source might be used in prove or disprove the thesis prompt. These five sources will form a working bibliography. This working bibliography will be based on its adherence to MLA format (consult the Prentice Hall Reference Guide or the Online Writing Lab at Purdue University at
Thesis Prompts
1) Growing wealth inequality has a negative impact on opportunities for middle-class Americans. Audience: Logos appeal to college-educated citizens.
2) Same as #1, but it should be a Pathos appeal to a general audience.
3) Increasing wealth inequality is a serious problem that requires government intervention.
4) Wealth inequality is a problem, but government intervention will make the problem worse.
5) Growing wealth inequality is an indicator of overall economic prosperity that will increase the well-being of every American citizen.
What is perceived as possession of elevated skill sets
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Physical quantities method with by-product
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Explain the divergences between discrete-event simulation
: Create a process ?ow based on your observation of one of the following: a. Patients at the student health center on campus. b. Patients at a local ophthalmologist’s o?ce. c. Patients at a local hospital emergency department. Explain the divergences b..
Discussed in the context of leadership-vision and purpose
: I would like to examine two points discussed in the context of leadership: vision and purpose. Both can feel at times generalized and lacking of substance. Both terms carry implications organizationally as well as for membership within organizations.
Find a citation per each given thesis prompt
: Find a citation per each thesis prompt below that either supports the claim or runs counter to the claim. The citations may be from They Say, I Say, Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick, or from another source.
Two examples of management functions
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What could be the causes of this tingling sensation
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What is the big deal with plagiarism
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Explain the reason why communication is important in teams
: Throughout humankind, communication has been used from sending firer signals to the pony express; communication is a very important part of our world today. Team Leader and member should always know their audience. explain the reason why communicatio..