Reference no: EM131065556
1. A journal article reported the following data on the amount of dextroamphetamine excreted by a sample of childeren having organically related and a sample of children with non-organic disorders.
Organic 17.53 20.60 17.62 28.93 27.10
Non-organic 15.59 14.76 13.32 12.45 12.79
( observations refer to the recovery of the drug 7 hours after its adminstration )
Test Ho: u1= u2 where u1 and u2 refer to the true mean percentages of recovery for the two conditions. Use alpha = 0.05
2. A random sample of 5726 telephone numbers taken from a certain city yielded 1105 numbers that were unlisted. A researcher's claim is that the true proportion of phone numbers in this city is larger that 15%. A ) Test this claim at the 0.05 level of significance.
For the last two problems assume that data set 1 was randomly drawn from population with normal distributions with unknown mean and variance.
Data set 1
53.0063 45.9649 54.0093 54.1530 50.8206 47.7846 52.7969
48.2792 52.8834 50.5803 52.1017 46.2915
B) for data set 1, test the hypothesis Ho: u = 55, versus H1 : u not equal to 55
C) for the set 1, find a 95% confidence interval on square sigma