Financial data and strategic decision making

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM132483282 , Length: word count:40,000

Unit M/615/2675 Strategic Planning - ATHE Level 7 Diploma in Management

You have successfully gained a junior management role in the UK in an organisation called Vista, which is a multi-national company. This is an interesting time for the business as it has decided to review its mission, vision and strategic direction. In this process the Board wishes to involve staff at various levels in the organisation and it has established a series of teams which will look at the strategy and feedback their work to the Board. You have been asked to join Team Singapore which is comprised of staff from across the company. It will work virtually before meeting in Singapore for a final face to face session.

This is an exciting opportunity for your personal and career development and you are keen to make the most of it.

Part 1

In preparation for the first virtual meeting you decide to make detailed notes in which you:

• explain organisational vision, mission, strategy and business plansand the relationships between them
• explain how external factors affect organisations and how changes in the external environment affect organisational strategy
• evaluate how stakeholder expectations influence organisations

Part 2

At the first virtual meeting of the team all members have been asked to make an individual contribution, which will be circulated to other team members prior to the next meeting. Your Part is to provide a document which:

• analyses the mission and vision statements of named organisations.

To gain a merit grade you must have a further section in the document which:

• evaluates the impact of a named organisation's vision and mission on its strategy.

To gain a distinction grade you must add another section to the document which:

• analyses how external influences affect organisational strategy in a named organisation.

Part 3

Following the virtual meeting you have been asked to review an organisation's strategy and business plans as this may influence thinking for Vista's future direction.
Produce a presentation with accompanying notes which:

• explains the importance of review in developing organisational strategy and business plans.
• evaluates the tools which can be used to review organisational strategy and business plans

To gain a merit grade your presentation must also:

• review the position of an organisation in its current market using appropriate tools.

To gain a distinction grade your presentation must also:

• analyse the competitive strengths and weaknesses of an organisation's current business strategy and business plans.

Part 4

Whilst completing the above Parts your team has decided that there is clearly a number of strategic options to consider. With this in mind you decide to model strategy options for a smaller organisation as an illustration. Produce a document for circulation which develops:

• strategy options for a chosen organisation, using modelling tools
• criteria for reviewing the potential strategy options.

To gain a merit grade you must also:

• apply the criteria and evaluate the options for delivering the strategic direction of the organisation you have chosen.

Part 5

The Board has decided that the meeting in Singapore should take place and you have received your travel and accommodation documents. The agenda for the meeting will include how to create a strategic plan. In preparation for this critical meeting you decide to produce a file for your own use. The file will:

• explain the structure of a plan needed to deliver the strategy
• explain how stakeholders are involved in the formulation of the plan
• provide a dissemination process to ensure stakeholders are informed and committed to the plan.

To gain a merit grade you must also:

• create monitoring systems to ensure the successful implementation of a strategic plan.

To gain a distinction grade you must also:

• construct a strategic plan for a named organisation.

Unit A/615/2677 Finance for Strategic Managers - ATHE Level 7 Diploma in Management

Pietro Yon, a local businessman, owns and manages a number of retail stores that sell a range of homewares.

Pietro is a member of the local business Chamber of Commerce and has been asked to chair a committee to research and study the success of Samsung PLC. The Chamber believes that there may be some useful learning from this study which members of the Chamber could use. You have been asked to provide specialist support to the committee and you are required to produce a range of materials for members of the committee to use.

Part 1 - Financial Data and Strategic Decision Making

You must produce a presentation for Pietro Yon to use at the next meeting of the Chamber of Commerce. The presentation should be based on your research of Samsung PLC and other relevant information. It must be accompanied by supporting notes.
Your presentation must include the following:

• An evaluation of the sources of financial data which can be used to inform business strategy.
• An assessment of the need for financial data and information in relation to the formulation of business strategy.
• An analysis of the risks related to financial business decisions.
• A review of methods that can be used for appraising strategic capital expenditure projects and strategic direction.

Part 2 - Discussion Paper

A meeting has been arranged with Pietro Yon and other members of the committee and you have been asked to produce a paper for discussion which provides:

• An interpretation of the financial statements of Samsung PLC to assess the current viability of the organisation.
• A comparative analysis of financial data using ratio analysis for Samsung PLC. You are advised to download consecutive year's accounts from the Samsung PLC website.

Part 3 - Information Leaflet

Extension activities:

To gain a merit grade you must produce an information leaflet for the Chamber of Commerce to distribute to the members. The leaflet should assess the following:

• The impact of ‘creative accounting' techniques when making strategic decisions.
• The limitations of ratio analysis as a tool for strategic decision making.
• The importance of cash flow management when evaluating proposals for capital expenditure.

To gain a distinction grade you must prepare an additional section for the leaflet that:

• Recommends, with justifications, methods and tools that allow businesses to analyse financial data for strategic decision making purposes.

Part 4 - Capital Expenditure Appraisal

Pietro Yon has been supplied with information from a component manufacturer who has asked for advice on the best project to accept for the purchase / replacement of a piece of machinery.

The company are considering selling their old machine that has a capital cost of £260 000 and replacing it with an up to date model costing £220 000. For immediate purchase the company will receive £120 000-part exchange allowance.

Both the current and new machines are able to meet the expected company demand, estimated at:





90 000


50 000


30 000

After three years, it is predicted that demand will be zero due to the technological developments in the industry.

The following data has been provided for the existing and new machine:



Current Machine

£ per unit

New Machine

£ per unit

Direct Materials



Direct Labour



Variable Overheads






Additional information

(1) The selling price for each component is £5.00 and this will remain constant for the next three years.
(2) The company expect the cost of direct materials and direct labour to increase by 5% each year.
(3) The company predicts that repair and maintenance costs for the current machine will be £7000 per annum.
(4) The current machine is expected to have a zero-residual value at the end of year 3.
(5) The company predicts that repair and maintenance costs for the new machine will be £1000 per annum.
(6) The new machine is expected to have a £75 000 residual value at the end of year 3.

Extract from the present value table for £1 at 15%












Pietro would like you to produce a business report that can be given to the company offering advice on the best course of action for the purchase / replacement machine.


Prepare a report that evaluates the capital expenditure proposals using appropriate financial techniques.

Unit M/615/2675 - Research for Strategic Development - ATHE Level 7 Diploma in Management

Your research must achieve the learning outcomes at the standards provided. It must be related to a topic associated with strategic business development.

You must prepare a portfolio of evidence which includes all the work completed for the following Parts.

Part 1 - Formulate a Research Proposal
In this section of the portfolio you should:

• Consider and identify a valid area for research to support the strategic development of a business area
• Explainthe aim, scope and objectives for a chosen area of research
• Formulate a specific research proposal
• Establish success criteria for the achievement of the research proposal
• Prepare a project plan that identifies key milestones and critical pathways.

Part 2 Carry out the research using different research methodologies

In this section of the portfolio you need to:
• Complete a review of different literature sources identifying those which are most appropriate for your chosen area of research
• Use different research methodologies to gather data from primary and secondary sources. The data must be sufficient in order to ensure you can make valid conclusions

Part 3 - Presentation of Research Findings

In this section of the portfolio you must prepare a report that presents all of your research findings.This must be presented in an appropriate format for the target audience.

In the report, you must:

• Provide a comprehensive explanation of the purpose, methodologies, findings and recommendations.
• Reference all sources using a recognised system.
• Use the information you have collected to justify conclusions and recommendations.

Part 4 - Reflective Log

On completion of your research project, you are to prepare a reflective log which contains an evaluation of the skills you used while undertaking the research.

The reflective log must include:

• A review of your own skills using personal reflection and feedback.
• Recommendations on ways to improve your personal skills while undertaking research.

Unit A/615/2680 Organisational Behaviour - ATHE Level 7 Diploma in Management

You have applied for a managerial position as a Business Development Manager in a large retail organisation.

Following shortlisting you have been asked to attend for interview. Prior to the interview you need to send in a written portfolio which will help the interview panel to establish your suitability for the post.

Part 1 - Written Portfolio

You must prepare a portfolio of evidence which includes:

• an analysis of the characteristics of different organisational structures
• an explanation of how the culture of an organisation can impact on the effectiveness of the organisation
• an assessment of the impact of learning on the effectiveness of employees
• an evaluation of how working in teams can improve employee effectiveness.

Extension activities:

To gain a merit grade you must also include in your portfolio analysis of:

• how different leadership behaviours impact on organisations.

To gain a distinction grade you must also include in your portfolio analyses of:

• the process and outcomes of change on the effectiveness of employees.

Part 2

You know that questions from the panel will ask for your views on certain management theories. In preparation make detailed notes which:

• evaluate different leadership behaviour theories
• analyse theories relating to work relationships and interactions.

Extension activities:

To gain a merit grade you must:

• evaluate the relevance of organisational culture theory in developing organisational effectiveness.

Part 3 - Presentation with accompanying notes

You are to make a presentation to the interview panel as part of the selection process. You should prepare a presentation with accompanying notes which shows how organisations can motivate employees in order to improve their efficiency and effectiveness.

In the presentation and the accompanying notes, you must:

• analyse the benefits and issues with involving employees in organisational decision making
• explain different ways to motivate employees.
Extension activities:

To gain a merit grade you must provide an accompanying handout for distribution to each member of the panel. The handout must:

• analyse how motivational theory can inform employee motivation.

To gain a distinction grade, using a business organisation of your choice, you must:

• evaluate how a named organisation of your choice motivates its employees.

Unit Y/615/2668 - Personal Development for Leadership and Strategic Management - ATHE Level 7 Diploma in Management

You have been a senior manager for a number of years and have decided that your next career move should be to or take responsibility for an aspect of strategic management in an organisation. Some interesting posts have been advertised recently and you have registered with a recruitment agency Harris Hall, which specialises in senior positions.

Part 1.

Harris Hall has sent you a guidance pack titled ‘Preparation for Application and Interviews', which includes some Parts for you to complete. This will provide the foundations for the applications you will make. You are required to produce a file of information. In section 1 you must:

• analyse the knowledge and skills in leadership and strategic management which are required to support the creation and achievement of organisational vision and strategy
• assess the contribution that factors other than skills and knowledge in leadership and strategic management make to the achievement of organisational vision and strategy
• review theories of leadership and management and assess the implications for your personal development.

Extension activities:

To gain a merit grade you should also add a further section which:
• provides a justified ranking of the leadership and management knowledge and skills required to successfully create and achieve organisational strategy.

To gain a distinction grade you must produce an additional section which:
• evaluates the leadership and management knowledge and skills required for the successful achievement of organisational operations versus the creation and achievement of organisational strategy.

Part 2

The second part of the file enables you to manage the development of your own personal knowledge and skills in leadership and strategic management. This will support achievement of personal and organisational vision and strategy. This audit must be done in the context of an organisation where you are employed, where you work in a voluntary capacity, where you wish to gain employment or where you are studying. You must:

• carry out an audit of your own personal leadership and management knowledge and skills. The knowledge and skills identified must facilitate the creation and achievement of organisational vision.
• set objectives to meet your personal development needs in the context of strategic organisational needs
• prepare a personal development plan to develop own leadership and management skills to support the creation of organisational vision and strategy

Extension activities:
To gain a merit grade:
• justify how objectives and the plan selected for personal development support achievement of organisational vision and strategy.

To gain a distinction grade you must:
• carry out appropriate personal development activities to develop knowledge and skills identified in the audit,

Part 3

Harris Hall has sent you an email about an interesting post which is advertised in Management Today and you have decided to apply. As part of the application the organisation wants you to send a CV and a paper on ‘Developing and Communicating Organisational Vision'. The SHR Department in the organisation will use this information in the shortlisting of applicants, who will then be invited to interview.

Prepare a paper which:

• analyses the factors which impact on the creation of organisational vision
• assesses the different approaches to developing vision
• evaluates the key factors which impact on the communication of vision to external stakeholders.

Extension activities:
To gain a merit grade you must write additional section in the paper which:
• evaluates the key factors needed to gain the commitment of internal stakeholders when communicating vision

Part 4

Congratulations you have been shortlisted for the post and been invited to interview. You are required to prepare a presentation which:

• assesses the benefits of review and explains when this tool can be used in the achievement of personal and organisational strategy.

You are required to produce a paper which:

• evaluates the sources of information needed to review progress with achieving personal development plans.

Part 5

In the guidance pack Preparation for Application and Interviews', Harris Hall have asked you to review progress to date with your personal development plan. You understand the importance of review in supporting individual and organisational progress.

• Produce a report which reviews your progress against the outcomes stated in your personal development plan.

Unit T/615/2693 Strategic Marketing - ATHE Level 7 Diploma in Management

You have been accepted onto a Future Leaders Development Programme (FLDP) within a large organisation. It is a yearlong programme and involves developing and presenting specific projects to other programme delegates; all the projects are viewed by the CEO.The delegates come from across the organisation and you are the sole representative from the Marketing Department.

This is an excellent opportunity for ambitious staff to make an impression on senior managers and leaders.In the past graduates from the programme have been promoted within the company.The introductory session of the programme is personally led and overseen by the CEO.

The company is currently successful but is going through a period of intense change. There are new competitors entering the market, whilst new technologies are changing both production capabilities and consumer preferences.

All the work from the FLDP should be retained in a personal file which will be reviewed at the end of the programme.

Part 1 -Understand the principles of strategic marketing.

Your first Part of the programme is toprepare a presentation, with accompanying notes. The presentation will be viewed by the CEO, other senior managers and programme delegates. The content of the presentation and notesshould:

• analyse the relationship between corporate strategy and marketing strategy.
• analyse the development of marketing strategies.

The presentationand notes should also:
• explain, using examples, how different marketing strategies contribute to competitive advantage.

Extension activity:

To gain a Distinction grade you should also produce areportfor your line manager that:
• evaluates the relationship between: strategic intent, strategic assessment, strategic choice and their impact on the formulation of marketing strategy.

Part 2 -Understand how to carry out strategic environment alanalysis

The participants in the FLDP are taking part in a training day and each member of the programme has been given a Part to complete. You must prepare a set ofbriefing notesfor the other programme delegates.

The briefing notes should:
• evaluate different approaches to conducting an internal environmental analysis.
• evaluate different approaches to conducting an external environmental analysis.

The third briefing note should:
• assess the integration of internal and external analyses.

Part 3 - Understand the role of customer behaviour in marketing strategies.

Your next Part is to prepare a section of an information file to be used by future participants in the FLDP. You are responsible for the section on Strategic Marketing; the finished section will be reviewed by the CEO.
The information file should:
• analyse the role of marketing research process and its relationship to consumer behaviour
• explain the different types of consumers and their behaviour in B2B and B2C markets and factors underpinning customer loyalty.
• Evaluate the role of relationship marketing in customer behaviour analysis.

Part 4 - Understand how to develop an implementable strategic marketing plan.

This is a major element of the development programme. You are required to develop a realistic and workable strategic marketing plan for a given organisation. The choice of organisation is important to ensure successful completion of this Part.

For the selected and named organisation you must:
• analyse the factors to be taken into account in the development of a marketing plan
• develop an implementable plan for your named organisation: you should select the most appropriate format for the plan
• design monitoring systems that are capable of identifying performance deviations from the plan's original objectives
• anticipate the need for contingency plans.

Extension activities:
To gain a Merit grade you must also:
• develop alternative marketing mix related action plans that address selected objectives and selected strategies.

Part 5 - Understand how to create a marketing strategy to meet business objectives

This is the final Part of the development programme and on its completion your file will be ready to submit to your line manager.
You must:
• evaluate the requirements of a marketing strategy
• explain the relationship between a marketing strategy and a corporate strategy
• explain how the marketing strategy should address competitive forces and their likely impact
• design a dissemination process to ensure internal stakeholders are informed and committed to the marketing strategy.

Extension activities:
To gain a Merit grade you must also:
• create monitoring systems to ensure the successful implementation of a marketing strategy.

To gain a Distinction grade you must also:
• construct a marketing strategy for a named organisation.

Unit L/615/2697 Corporate Communication Strategies - ATHE Level 7 Diploma in Management


You are working foran organisation called Future Enterprises Ltdwhich has over recent years, grown its market both nationally and internationally. It now wishes to promote the right person from within the company to head up its Corporate Communications Department. In today's business world, this is a very important role.

You have applied for the post and as part of the selection process the senior management team are keen to hear your ideas on corporate communication strategies for a growing national and international organisation.

This is a great chance for you to demonstrate your knowledge of this important function,which is essential for business success and you wish to showcase your understanding of best practice principles.

This is an exciting opportunity for you to shine, make your mark and demonstrate your suitability for the role of Head of Corporate Communications.

Part 1

The first part of the selection process requires you to prepare a document for submission to the interview panel in which you:

• explain the purpose of corporate communications
• assess how corporate communications link to corporate objectives
• analyse the relationship between corporate communications and corporate branding
• analyse the reasons why business organisations conduct internal and external corporate communication audits.

To gain a distinction grade you must add to your document a section which:

• reviews the importance of corporate communications to the success of a named organisation,

Part 2

You know that at the interview questions will be asked on corporate communication audits. You need to be fully prepared and decide to

• plan an internal corporate communications audit for a named organisation
• plan an external corporate communications audit for a named organisation,

To gain a merit grade you must also demonstrate that you have:

• conducted an internal corporate communications audit for the named organisation,

To gain a distinction grade you must in addition demonstrate that you have:

• conducted an external corporate communications audit for the named organisation,

Part 3

You have been invited to take part in the next stage of the selection process. You have been asked to send a report to the selection panel that:

• explains the strategic objectives of a corporate communications strategy
• assesses the desired impact of a corporate communications strategy on different audiences

To gain a merit grade you must have a further section in the management report which:

• develops appropriate measures to monitor the effects of a planned corporate communication strategy.

To gain a distinction grade you must add another section in the management report which:

• evaluates the effectiveness of current levels of organisational corporate communications for a named organisation.

Unit F/615/2700 Strategic Human Resource Management - ATHE Level 7 Diploma in Management

This unit provides you with the opportunity to further develop your knowledge and understanding of strategic human resource managementand its critical importance to the achievement of organisational objectives.

You are a manager in the HR department of an established multi-national manufacturing company EasiClean plc.,which produces soaps and detergents.You report directly to the Head of HRM. The organisation has been in existence for almost 100 years and has seen significant change during this period. This has been in terms of the product range, the investment in research and technology and the diversification to paper based products such as tissues and babywipes. In addition the company has embraced the sustainability agenda and managed global expansion so that it now operates in 15 countries.It has also acquired subsidiaries, which focus on beauty products.

This is a challenging business environment with keen competition from organisations such as Procter and Gamble and Unilever. In his letter to shareholders at the time of the last annual report, the CEO made it clear that the company needs to do better and will have to streamline and strengthen the product portfolio. Productivity will need to improve but with a focus on managing costs and operating to budgetary constraints. There needs to be a general raising of performance to consistently deliver balanced growth.

The Human Resources Department will play a key role in delivering this efficiency agenda and a strategic human resource management strategy will need to be created.Your line manager has called a meeting of the managers in the department to discuss the implications for this strategy. In preparation for the meeting he has allocated certain Parts to individual managers.

Part 1
You need to produce 2 discussion papers for the meeting which:
1. analyse the effect of the structure and culture of organisations on human resource management strategies
2. assessthe importance of financial resources in the creation of a human resource management strategy.
Extension activities:

To gain a distinction grade you must produce another discussion paper which:

• evaluates the factors affecting human resource managementin a named organisation.

Part 2 (extension activity for merit)

The meeting was productive but one key omission was identified; namely the impact of government legislation on the future HR strategy. Produce a paper for circulation to colleagues which:

• analyses the impact of government legislation on human resource management strategies.

Part 3

It is clear that given the potential developments in the organisation, it is important to involve other staff at an early stage in the change and development process. You have been asked to work with more junior staff in HR, so they understand how the department will contribute to the achievement of the organisation's strategic plans.

Produce materials for a training event which:

• analyse the different models of strategic human resource management
• explain how human resource management contributes to the achievement of the organisation's strategic plans.

To gain a merit grade you must also include:

• an evaluation of the different models of preparing strategic human resource management plans for an organisation such as EasiClean.

Part 4

You have decided that to support the workshop, you will produce a reference guide for staff in the department to use as the organisation's human resource strategy is prepared and disseminated. Your line manager believes this is an excellent initiative. The reference guide must:
• assess the factors to be considered when preparing human resource management strategies
• evaluatethe key elements of a human resource management strategy.

Extension activities:

To gain a merit grade you must produce a further section for the reference guide which:

• discusses how internal and external factors impact on the elements of human resources management strategies.

To gain a distinction grade you must:

• evaluate the model used by an organisation in the development of its HR strategy

You may use an organisation of your choice as this will be used as a working example.

Part 5

Your line manager wishes to model the strategic human resource management strategy for EasiClean and plans to use exemplar materials. He has asked you to complete the following Parts:

• Develop a strategic human resource management strategy for an organisation of your choice.
• Explain how the proposed human resources management strategy will support achievement of the business objectives for this organisation.

Extension activities:

To gain a distinction grade you must also include in an assessment of:

• the potential barriers to the implementation of a human resource management strategy.

Reference no: EM132483282

Questions Cloud

What is the present value of the uneven cash flow stream : What's the present value of the following uneven cash flow stream: $0 at Time 0, $100 in Year 1 (or at Time 1), $200 in Year 2, $0 in Year 3
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What is the standard score for an exam score of 46 : The scores on a psychology exam were normally distributed with a mean of 53 and a standard deviation of 5. What is the standard score for an exam score of 46
Determine the goodwill to be reported in the acquisition : Determine the goodwill to be reported in this acquisition. Johnson paid $325,000 to acquire 100% of Willis Corporation in a statutory merger.
Financial data and strategic decision making : ATHE Level 7 Diploma in Management Assignment help and solution - explain organisational vision, mission, strategy and business plansand the relationships
Confidence interval for the variance of mike and ikes length : Because Mike and Ikes are your favorite candy, you decided to apply statistics to them. Assume your bag of Mike and Ikes is a simple random sample.
Differenciate between organizational culture and climate : Discuss the difference between organizational culture and climate and the impact of each on transparency and safety during the group's process and team building
What is the probability that the product of the two rolls : What is the probability that the product of the two rolls is at most 5 given that the first one is an even number? Show all work.
Construct and interpret the confidence interval : Construct and interpret the 95?% confidence interval. Select the correct choice below and fill in the answer boxes within your choice.?


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