Financial aid and academic goals at university

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM13144422

can some one help me fix this appeal academic appeal letter, where i flows better? To whom it may concern: I am writing this letter in an attempt appeal my financial aid and move forward with my academic goals at The University ---. I ask that my financial aid be reinstated so that I can continue with my Studies and career. The fall semesters were a very stressful and overwhelming time in my life because I was not only returning to school after being away from The University ----, but from almost the start of the quarter I were I began to car problem after car problem, which got so bad I had to borrow money from a family member to get a more reliable car. After getting better transportation , I got so far behind in my class that I had no way catch up with the class nor even pass so, I had to drop them and request a conditional drop from registration; which was granted based off my stressful car troubles. I kept one class, and that was --- 121, because I missed calculated my chances of passing. I kept this class because I believed that with all my extra credit and scores that I will pass, but the class is based on scores and attendances; which missing so many days made it were I can short of passing. I know that is special circumstance was beyond my control and I couldn’t prevent it, but I will let it not affect my future academic progress, if you allow me to be reinstated. I know that in the past my academic performance at this college wasn’t up to snuff, because I had to with juggle both school and work, but now I am in a better place in life were school is my priority, and from this moment forward I plan to do put my education first, and do my best to achieve my goals in life. I am asking you to please show leniency, and accept my appeal so, that I can continue my academic goals.

Reference no: EM13144422

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