Filter bubbles and customer location data

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133150330

Topic 1: Copyright

You read about copyright and some of the laws governing digital rights management.


Copyright protection is available for original works of authorship that are fixed in a tangible form, whether published or unpublished. The categories of works that can be protected by copyright laws include paintings, literary works, live performances, photographs, movies, and software.

Response 1:

Make an argument for or against the following statement: "Copyright is the only way for musicians, artists, andfilmmakers to protect their integrity. What's important is not profit, but protecting creative content from unfair use. Copyright should remain an important part of our law". Justify your response with support from the reading.

Topic 2: Customer Location Data

You read the article "Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, and Sprint Suspend Selling of Customer Location Data (web page).


Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint will no longer share its customers' location information with several third-party companies who failed to handle the data appropriately.

Question 1:

Do you agree with phone companies sharing their customers' information with third-party companies? Why or why not? Support your answer.

Topic 3: Filter Bubbles

Read the article" Measuring the Filter Bubble: How Google is measuring what you click" and watched "How Filter Bubbles Isolate You" (YouTube Video)


If you and I performed a Google Internet search on a topic, we could get totally different results. How is this possible? In attempts to provide us with user-specific content based on the data they collect on us, web companies may also be restricting us from information and "narrowing our world view."

Question 1:

What are your thoughts on filter bubbles? Have you ever encountered a Filter Bubble? Do you think companies like Facebook and Google have a civic responsibility in this area?

Reference no: EM133150330

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