Fill the array with ten doubles entered by the user

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132216473

You are to write three functions for this lab:

double mean(const double array[], int arraySize);

Passes in an array along with the size of the array.

Returns the mean of all values stored in the array.

void remove(double array[], int &arraySize, int index);

Passes in an array, the size of the array by reference, and the index of a value to be removed from the array.

Removes the value at this index by shifting all of the values after this value up, keeping the same relative order of all values not removed.

Reduces arraySize by 1.

void display(const double array[], int arraySize);

Passes in an array and the size of the array.

Outputs each value in the array separated by a comma and space, with no comma, space or newline at the end.

main function requirements

To test these functions, your main function should follow these steps:

Declare an array of doubles of size 10.

Fill the array with 10 doubles entered by the user.

Call the mean function passing it this array and output the value returned.

Ask the user for the index (0 to 9) of the value they want to remove.

Call the display function to output the array.

Call the remove function to remove the value at the index provided by the user.

Call the display function again to output the array with the value removed.

Here's a sample run of the program:

Enter 10 values: 4 4 5 6 8 9 10 5 2 1 Mean: 5.4 Enter index of value to be removed: 3 Before removing value: 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 5, 2, 1 After removing value: 4, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 5, 2, 1

Reference no: EM132216473

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