Reference no: EM13161265
Fill in the Python code to play Tic Tac Toe. I won't award points unless it runs succesfully. # Tic-Tac-Toe Game def drawBoard(board): # Draws the board using the list of numbers print(" ") print(" ",board[0]," | ",board[1]," | ", board[2]) print("----------------") print(" ",board[3]," | ",board[4]," | ", board[5]) print("----------------") print(" ", board[6]," | ",board[7]," | ", board[8]) print(" ") return def nextMove(turn,bd): # Asks the player whose turn it is to choose a spot on the board # The turn parameter represents the player ("O" or "X") # Replace the spot on the board with the right symbol # Return the board return bd def isWinner(bd): # Determines if there is a winner # If X is the winner, return "X" # If O is the winner, return "O" # If there is no winner, return "none" return "X" def moreMoves(bd): # Determines if there are any moves left # if any spaces are left to play # return 1 if there are any moves left # return 0 if there are no moves left return 0 def nextTurn(turn): # Determines whose turn it is based on whose turn # just finished return turn # Main code # # Initialize the board with position numbers # Start out with X going first # Set the winner to 'none' to start # As long as there is no winner and there are still moves to make, loop through the game # Each time through the loop # Draw the board # Make the next move # Determine if there is a winner # Set the turn to the next player # # Once the loop is complete, display the board one more time and print the winner def main(): bd = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] turn = 'X' winner = 'none' while winner == 'none' and moreMoves(bd)==1: drawBoard(bd) bd = nextMove(turn,bd) winner = isWinner(bd) turn = nextTurn(turn) drawBoard(bd) print("Player ",winner," is the winner")
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