Reference no: EM131103379
1. We hear a lot about people filing discrimination claims lately. Can something be discriminatory, but not be deemed illegal discrimination? If so, please provide an example.
2. If we continue to create more protected class statuses, soon everyone will be a member of once class or another, right? Does this mean then that the effectiveness of protected class statuses will be obsolete? If everyone is protected, why have a need for classes, right?
3. Equal pay for doing equal jobs is a big issue. However, what if different people negotiate different salaries during the hiring process? Should that be okay?
4. Despite all the laws we currently have in place, discrimination still takes place. If all the laws are not helping what will? We keep adding more and more
protected class statuses. We are more politically correct than ever before. Diversity has now being called Diversity and Inclusion. What else can be done to prevent discrimination from taking place?
5. We hear so much about striving for equality, yet at the same time we are pushing for diversity? Can both really exist at the same time, all the time? What is wrong with accepting differences in people and promoting that, rather than trying to have everyone be the same, all the time?
6. We continue to hear a lot about unions. With all the employment laws that are currently in place protecting employees, do we still need unions protecting employees? Why or why not?
7. Look at what happened with the Hostess Company. The union kept making too many demands and ultimately the company decided to close its doors. Hostess is a staple company in this country. Generations of Americans have grown up eating Hostess brand baked goods. If a union causes a company to close shop or move overseas, can it say that it helped look out for the interests of the employees?
8. There are already so many laws that safeguard the employees. What about laws that safeguard the employers? Why is equal attention not given to employers? Anyone? What will happen if business owners just stop. They create the jobs. Without them, there are no jobs.
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Filing discrimination claims
: 1. We hear a lot about people filing discrimination claims lately. Can something be discriminatory, but not be deemed illegal discrimination? If so, please provide an example.
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What conversion price should be set by the issuer
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