Reference no: EM133796149
Penetration Testing
Assessment - Penetration Testing Simulation Video Entry
Recording Demonstrating a Simulated Penetration Testing Activity
Learning outcome 1: Evaluate appropriate countermeasures to mitigate the risk of unauthorised access, hacks and exploits to systems, networks, and applications.
Learning outcome 2: Investigate cyber-attack techniques on computer systems, networks, and web applications.
Learning outcome 3: Evaluate existing defensive security measures.
Your Task
This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you are tasked with conducting penetration testing of an organisation's IT environment. The objective is to identify and exploit cybersecurity vulnerabilities using a simulated network for the organisation, replicating a real-world scenario. This assessment will cover the fundamental concepts learned in the initial weeks of the subject, focusing on reconnaissance, vulnerability assessments, and footprinting.
Assessment Description
The objective of this assessment is to assess your practical skills in identifying, analysing, exploiting, documenting, and reporting cyber-attack vulnerabilities, focusing on the content covered in Weeks 1 to 3. This will include the following:
Reconnaissance and Information Gathering
Footprinting and Enumeration
Vulnerability Assessment
Demonstration of Exploitation
In this assessment:
You will simulate a penetration testing exercise using tools and systems relevant to penetration testing in a controlled lab environment that simulates a computer system, network, or web application. Book your online assignment help today
Submit a video recording of the simulated penetration testing exercise.
The simulated exercise will include tasks related to:
Utilising Kali Linux and penetration testing tools to perform the simulated penetration testing scenario.
Conducting Reconnaissance and vulnerability assessments using Kali Linux tools.
Pick only ONE vulnerability based on your vulnerability assessment, exploit the vulnerability, and show the methods and strategies used.
Provide recommended Mitigation measures based on concepts.
Target System
The simulation will involve a fictional corporate network comprising servers, databases, and web applications. The network is structured with various departments interconnected through a centralised server architecture.
Assessment Practical Business Purpose
This assessment is designed to equip you with basic practical penetration testing skills which are essential for securing organisations' digital assets and infrastructure.
The assessment aligns with real-world scenarios where penetration testers are tasked with identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities to strengthen an organisation's security posture.
This assessment therefore prepares you for cybersecurity roles that require you to proactively identify, exploit and mitigate security vulnerabilities in different organisations.
Assessment Targeted Audience
This assessment is useful for any aspiring penetration tester, cybersecurity professionals, and organisations looking to strengthen their security teams by hiring individuals with hands- on penetration testing experience.
Doing this assessment will equip you with the necessary hands-on penetration testing experience needed for you to contribute positively to different roles in different organisations.