Reference no: EM133347228
1. Fibrous joints are classified as:
a. Capsular, extracapsular and intracapsular
b. Articular disks, menisci, and fatty pads
c. Sutures, syndesmoses and gomphoses
d. Synchondroses, symphyses and gomphoses
2. Oxygen (O2) levels in the body help control respiratory activity via which system?
a. Peripheral chemoreceptor system
b. Peripheral respiratory reflex system
c. Stretch receptors in the lungs
d. Central chemoreceptor system
3. The periosteum is found
a. In the very inner layer of compact bone
b. Around the movable part of the bone
c. In the very outer layer of compact bone
d. Scattered throughout spongy bone
4. Substances that dissociate and lose a proton easily are called
a. Strong bases
b. weak acids
c. Strong acids
d. Weak bases
5. The surface anatomy of the femur consists of:
a. Anatomical and surgical neck, greater/lesser tubercle, deltoid tuberosity and medial/lateral epicondyles
b. Anatomical head, neck, supraspinous fossa, linea aspera, radial groove, olecranon, and interosseous membrane
c. Anatomical head, neck, greater/lesser trochanter, linea aspera and medial/lateral epicondyles
d. Anatomical neck, trapezoid, iliac crest, medial cuneiform, and medial/lateral epicondyles
6. The sternum consists of three fused bones:
a. Jugular notch, Sternal angle and Xiphisternal process
b. Manubrium, Body and Xiphoid process
c. Mandible, Body and Xiphisternal process
d. Vertebrosternal, vertebrochondral and floating bones
7. With the Bohr effect, more oxygen is released because a/ an ________.
a. decrease in pH (acidosis) strengthens the haemoglobin-oxygen bond
b. decrease in pH (acidosis) weakens the haemoglobin-oxygen bond
c. increase in pH (alkalosis) weakens the haemoglobin-oxygen bond
d. increase in pH (alkalosis) strengthens the haemoglobin-oxygen bond.