Reference no: EM13788734
In this essay I will be discussing a few similarity and differences between my two niches. The southeastern and arctic regions are my niches. Can you imagine living in either or and changing to the other. If you haven't thought about it before I have discussed some important parts of both niches. By the end of this essay you will know important information about both the Southeastern and Arctic region.
My personal niche happens to be Florida, which is the Southeastern region. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (2013) describes the southeastern region as generally warm and wet with mild and humid winters. While our winters are getting warmer every year, the same goes for our summers. On the other hand Amanda Briney (2010) talk about how the Arctic region climates are very cold and harsh for most of the year because of the Earths axial tilts. Because of this the Arctic region does not receive direct sunlight, instead it receives solar radiation. In the Arctic region during the winter, they experience 24 hours of no sunlight while during the summer it is 24 hours with sunlight. That is a major difference between the southeastern region and arctic region. Some similarities between the two are that both regions' temperatures reach 86 degree, even though the arctic is almost always covered in snow. One survival advantage in the Arctic region is the ability to hunt and fish the wildlife. Hunting and fishing provide excellent food sources for the people who live in the Arctic.
While here in the southeastern region a lot of our food sources come from the agriculture part. Many people in the southeastern region plant crops such as corn, beans, fruits and vegetable. Humans adapt to the niches by adjusting to their surroundings. For example, living in the arctic region means learning to fish and hunt while the southeastern region means learning to farm. Also living in the arctic people build igloo's while here in the southeastern region we build houses. The difficulty that I would have living in the Arctic is the temperature, on average the temperature is 50 degree. Another difficulty that I would have is the lack of food resources, because of the climate being so cold it does not allow any plant vegetation life, besides moss and lichens. Also during the winter the 24 hours of no sunlight would be very hard to adjust too, as well as the 24 hours of sunlight during the summer. The type of cultural adaptions that have evolved in my personal niche is back in the day people would wear animal skin as clothing were as now farmers grow cotton which is used for clothing.
For the arctic region the cultural adaptions include its natural resources such as fishing and minerals. For the southeastern region because of the warm temperature bacteria is more prone and food poisoning happens more often. Another example of the southeastern region having biological problems is how warm it is. With as warm as it is in the southeastern region many people experience respiratory problems and also heat related deaths (2013 USEPA). The Arctic region has problems with global warming; it is causing the loss of many habitats. Also as the ice melts it is releasing methane, which will change the climate.
In conclusion, the southeastern and arctic regions are very different. Not only are they on two different sides of the map, but also in climate and resources. While the arctic region uses hunting and fishing as a way to eat, some southeasterners hunt and fish for fun.