Reference no: EM131701849
Female Reproductive System Case Study and Questions
A 36 years old female came to see the doctor with the complaint of amenorrhea (absence of menstrual period) for past three months. She is worried if she is pregnant although she never missed her Contraceptive Pills. She recently noticed some milky discharge from her left breast and abnormal facial hairs. She also said that her period was irregular and less in amount for past one year. She also gained 15 pounds during last year but denies any cold intolerance, dry skin, depression, fatigue or hot flushes.
Her menarche was at 14 and she had regular 21 days cycle till last year when it became irregular and gradually scanty.
Her LMP (last menstrual period) was 3 months back.
She has a 10 years old healthy child (normal vaginal delivery). She has regular Pap test, last test was done 10 months ago which was normal.
Her mother had menopause at age 55.
Her vitals were normal.
Her pregnancy test was done at the office which was Negative.
Doctor reassured and discussed hormonal imbalances with her. She recommended her urine and blood tests for hormone levels and pelvic ultrasound to check her reproductive organs. Doctor advised her to come back with all the test results.
Answer the following questions
1. After reading given case, what will be the most likely diagnosis of this patient?
2. Name the parts and layers of uterus.
3. Name the medical terms for heavy and scanty menstruation?
4. Write the phases of normal menstrual cycle?
5. Name the hormones regulate the normal menstrual cycle?
6. Normal woman does not show and breast discharge, what could be the reason in this patient for breast discharge.
7. Name the hormone causes secretion of breast milk?
8. What are the presentations in this case study which indicate against the thyroid problem and early menopause in this patient?
9. This lady has recent development of abnormal facial hairs. What hormone causes facial hair and why she has it?
10. Name the phases and hormonal regulation of ovarian cycle.