Feeding well after nasal suctioning

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133626383


A 10-day-old female infant presents with a fever, rhinorrhea, and cough. Her family has the flu. She is feeding well after nasal suctioning, and she is having regular wet diapers. She is fussy due to the cough and fever. Since the rhinorrhea started 3 days ago, she has been sleeping through the night upright strapped in her car seat. She was a full term baby, she was born via spontaneous vaginal delivery without complications. Her mother has no significant past medical history, prenatal care was routine, and she is GBS-negative. They left the hospital after 48 hours and have been doing well at home. The baby's 1-week weight check showed that she had already exceeded her birth weight. On exam, the infant is very fussy. She is febrile to 102.8°F and is breathing noisily due to nasal congestion with an occasional hacking cough. She is well hydrated, but she is too fussy to take the bottle from her mother when offered. Question What should be done with this infant?

Reference no: EM133626383

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