Federation car rental payment tracking system

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132629660

Federation Car Rental Payment Tracking System

Select an option from the menu below:
1. Standard Payment
2. Loyalty Payment
3. Employee Payment
4. Display List of Clients
5. Generate Report To View Payments Received
6. Exit
Enter your option: 4

--List of Clients--
Client ID                  Name                   Total Amount              Discounted Amount
Standard Clients:
1                          Ivan                          100.0                            0.0
Loyalty Clients:
2                         Zelda                          180.0                           20.0
Staff Clients:
3                          Anne                          240.0                           60.0

Select an option from the menu below:
1. Standard Payment
2. Loyalty Payment
3. Employee Payment
4. Display List of Clients
5. Generate Report To View Payments Received
6. Exit
Enter your option: 1

Client ID Name Total Amount Discounted Amount
1 Ivan 100.0 0.0
Enter ID of an existing client or 0 to enter a new one: 0
Enter the name of Client: Ian
Enter the amount of this payment: 200
--Processing Standard Payment--
Finished processing payment.

Select an option from the menu below:
1. Standard Payment
2. Loyalty Payment
3. Employee Payment
4. Display List of Clients
5. Generate Report To View Payments Received
6. Exit
Enter your option: 2

Client ID Name Total Amount Discounted Amount
2 Zelda 180.0 20.0
Enter ID of an existing client or 0 to enter a new one: Piper
Wrong kind of input!
Enter ID of an existing client or 0 to enter a new one: 0
Enter the name of Client: Piper
Enter the amount of this payment: 300
--Processing Loyalty Payment--
Finished processing payment.


Select an option from the menu below:
1. Standard Payment
2. Loyalty Payment
3. Employee Payment
4. Display List of Clients
5. Generate Report To View Payments Received
6. Exit
Enter your option: 3

Client ID Name Total Amount Discounted Amount
3 Anne 240.0 60.0
Enter ID of an existing client or 0 to enter a new one: 0
Enter the name of Client: Zach
Enter the amount of this payment: 200
--Processing Employee Payment--
Finished processing payment.


Select an option from the menu below:
1. Standard Payment
2. Loyalty Payment
3. Employee Payment
4. Display List of Clients
5. Generate Report To View Payments Received
6. Exit
Enter your option: 4

--List of Clients--
Client ID                  Name                   Total Amount              Discounted Amount
Standard Clients:
1                          Ivan                          100.0                            0.0
4                           Ian                          200.0                            0.0
Loyalty Clients:
2                         Zelda                          180.0                           20.0
5                         Piper                          270.0                           30.0
Staff Clients:
3                          Anne                          240.0                           60.0
6                          Zach                          160.0                           40.0

Select an option from the menu below:
1. Standard Payment
2. Loyalty Payment
3. Employee Payment
4. Display List of Clients
5. Generate Report To View Payments Received
6. Exit
Enter your option: 5

--Report to View Payments Received--
Type of Account      Total Amount Received      Discounts Given
Standard                            300.0                  0.0
Loyalty                             450.0                 50.0
Staff                               400.0                100.0
Total                              1150.0                150.0

Select an option from the menu below:
1. Standard Payment
2. Loyalty Payment
3. Employee Payment
4. Display List of Clients
5. Generate Report To View Payments Received
6. Exit
Enter your option: 6

-- Exiting Federation Car Rental Payment Tracking System --

Reference no: EM132629660

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