Federal reserve raised

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM133303588


What is the current Federal funds rate in US? What was the rate in December of 2021? Explain the process on how the Federal Reserve raised this operating target and WHY it has been raised. Lastly, explain how the Federal Reserve monitors this rate and keeps it in a range?

Reference no: EM133303588

Questions Cloud

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Open market operations : Bank of Canada uses Open Market Operations to carry out its intended objectives. How does Open Market Operation work in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Federal reserve raised : Explain the process on how the Federal Reserve raised this operating target and WHY it has been raised.
Majority of fentanyl entering country : The US Postal Service (USPS) announces that the majority of fentanyl entering the country is coming through the mail.
What does thinking at the margin mean : What does thinking at the margin mean? Why should we ignore sunk costs?
Camila returns to work part time after her accident : Camila returns to work part time after her accident. She could have maintained all of her bene ?ts without working.
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