Federal corrections prison on minimum security farm

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133569422


Zeke is at a federal corrections prison on a minimum security farm: The following examples present a series of problems for a fictional inmate, Zeke Pioneer. Read each problem carefully then discuss the following what defenses, if any, Zeke may have for BOTH charges of escape. Be sure you use information from the scenario and discuss each charge in light of the following two statutes: Statute | It shall be unlawful for any person committed to any correctional facility to escape from that facility. Escape is defined as passing beyond the borders of a facility with an intent to never return or being lawfully beyond the borders of the facility and not returning when required to do so with an intent to never return. Violation of this statute constitutes a felony. Statute lI It shall be unlawful for any person committed to any correctional facility to leave the premises of the facility. Leaving is defined as passing over the boundary lines of the facility. Violation of this statute constitutes a misdemeanor. On July 31st, Zeke had his first ever epileptic seizure. The seizure caused him to fall outside of the boundary line surrounding the minimum-security farm.

Reference no: EM133569422

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