Federal classifications of educational disabilities

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Reference no: EM133669575


Discuss 11 federal classifications of educational disabilities in 1975-P.L 94-142 and the implications in educational settings. The 11 federal classifications of educational disabilities in 1975-P.L 94-142 would be deafness-blindness where there are limited hearing and eyesight. Deafness where there is limited hearing. Emotional disturbance where the child may have problems paying attention or they may act up during class and need to more resources to work through. Hearing impairment with decrease or increase of hearing. Mental retardation where children may have a lower IQ than their peers. Multiple disability where a child may have more than one disability. Children may have a disability known as the orthopedic impairment. They can have something known as other health impairments with vitality or alertness that then occurs with something that happens currently or something a little long lasting such as immune system with asthma. A learning disability that is more than one that affects a child who may need more one on one attention. Another disability includes speech and language impairment where communication comes along and it involves with stuttering, articulation, or voice in general. Lastly, visual impairment and blindness where someone can have partial sight and is still blind but can see partially. These I believe need a one on one attention from staff members like a paraprofessional and their teacher in the classroom but as well as their special education teacher. The IEP will have the children's information and what they are needed to fully participate in their environment. They will also have lots of support and their parents alongside with them as well. Children will have their experiences in a good environment and they will be able to fully succeed in their educational settings.

Reference no: EM133669575

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