Features of any programming language is recursion

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13772836

One of the most useful features of any programming language is recursion and control structures, decisions and loops. Recursion and loop structures allow programs to repeat actions without duplicating code.

This console application focuses on your understanding of object oriented programming, control structures, and arrays.

Create an application that manipulates a billboard sign. Use the following guidelines:

The program must include a Billboard class (separate from the main program class) that is capable of storing the text to display.

The class must include data fields

The Billboard class must include methods to manipulate the text (get, set, reverse, replace substring) as well as the capability to check the text (eg. test if the text is empty).

The Billboard includes a list of predefined messages that can be set as the message in the billboard.

The set method allows user to select a predefined message. Also, user can create his message

Add one extra method that can be used for the Billboard

The main program must create an object of Billboard class.

The main program must include a menu to allow a user to select a function of the Billboard object.

The application must exit upon user request.

Reference no: EM13772836

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