Features of acad are to be used on the drawings

Assignment Help Mechanical Engineering
Reference no: EM131215973

Use of Annotative Objects and Dynamic Blocks.

This assignment involves the preparation of 3 no. A3 drawings (from one ACAD file)

- Plan of Unit (Scale @ 1:50)
- Section through unit ( Scale 1:50)
- Details - Footing x 2, Eaves x 2 and Ridge x 2 (Scale 1:10)

Appropriate layers and lineweights/line styles should be used. The plot style file is to be submitted with the assignment.

The following features of ACAD are to be used on the drawings

Annotative Objects

Annotative Text Styles - Set up a minimum of 2 text styles - one for notes (print at 2 to 2.5mm high) and one for headings (print at 4 to 5mm high)

Annotative Dimension Style, including multileaders

Annotative Blocks with attributes, Gridline callouts, Section callouts & any others you think are appropriate

Dynamic Blocks

Single Door in external cavity wall - Include the following features

- Variable width wall from 300mm to 350mm in 10mm steps (Use Lookup for this)
- Wipeout
- Variable Door opening width from 650mm to 1000mm in 50mm steps
- Flip Left/Right
- Flip In/Out
- Align to existing object

Double Door in external cavity wall- Include the following features

- Variable width wall from 300mm to 350mm in 10mm steps (Use Lookup for this)
- Wipeout
- Variable Door opening width from 650mm to 1000mm in 50mm steps
- Flip In/Out
- Align to existing object

Nut and Bolt - Include the following features

- Variable Length to suit thickness of plates being bolted together
- Variable bolt diameters from M10 to M30 (use lookup for this)
- Flip Left/Right

Additional Information

Steel Section Sizes - Look up Steel Construction Institute (SCI) Publication 363 (P363) on the IHS database and download to your documents/USB

Typical Ground Bearing Slab Build Up - Research using library/ notes etc

Purlin Sections, cladding and gutter details - Refer to manufacturer (Kingspan / Tegral) websites and publications.


Dim 'X'

Dim 'Y'



Abo Hassn, Abdulaziz



254 x 146UB 31

406 x 140 UB 39

Alqahtani, Saif



203 x 133 UB 25

406 x 178 UB 60

Alsairari, Abdullah



305 x 127 UB 37

356 x 171 UB 45

Alsaiari,Mohammed Hassan S



254 x 146 UB 37

457 x 152 UB 82

Alsameen, Nasser



254 x 146 UB 43

406 x 178 UB 54

Alsiari, Fahad



305 x 127 UB 42

356 x 171 UB 45

Callan, Fionan



203 x 133 UB 30

305 x 165 UB 40

Chai, Sze Wee



305 x 127 UB 48

406 x 140 UB 39

Coddington, Ryan M



254 x 146 UB 37

406 x 178 UB 60

Cowley, Craig



254 x 146 UB 43

406 x 140 UB 46

Elangovan, Duroonan



305 x 127 UB 42

457 x 152 UB 60

Gantley, Christopher



203 x 133 UB 30

457 x 152 UB 82

Hand, Eddie



305 x 127 UB 48

406 x 178 UB 54

Kearney, Conor



203 x 133 UB 25

356 x 171 UB 45

Largey, Ciara



305 x 127 UB 37

406 x 140 UB 46

Lenehan, Eoin



254 x 146 UB 37

457 x 152 UB 60

Patel, Deeptanshu



254 x 146 UB 43

305 x 165 UB 40

Qu, Jinyu



305 x 127 UB 42

406 x 140 UB 39

Sayyadi, Abdulaziz Ibrahim H



203 x 133 UB 30

356 x 171 UB 45

Sinkevicius, Karolis



305 x 127 UB 48

457 x 152 UB 82

Wee, Jia Her



203 x 133 UB 25

406 x 178 UB 54

Wolski, Patryk



305 x 127 UB 37

356 x 171 UB 45

Yeon, Ke Ying



254 x 146 UB 37

305 x 165 UB 40

Reference no: EM131215973

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9/22/2016 2:11:01 AM

Marking Scheme: Layouts Layer Set Up & Plotstyle 10% Annotative Text Styles 5% Annotative Dim & Leader Styles 7.5% Annotative Blocks with Attributes 7.5% Single Door Dynamic Block 10% Double Door Dynamic Block 10% Nut & Bolt Dynamic Block 10% General Drawing – Accuracy, details etc 40%

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