Reference no: EM132920418
Fantastic Adventure Park - Background Information
Our Town USA, Inc. has built a brand new amusement park. The park has three sections: a section with a variety of rides (some for small children and others, like a roller coaster, that are more thrilling), a water park, and a drive thru exotic wildlife park. There is a small enclosed theater in the rides section and outdoor theater in the water park which present live events.
Ticket prices start at $40 per person (children under 4- years-old are admitted free) to enter the rides section. The other sections are an additional price of $40 for each section. The park plans to offer a season pass to the water park for the summer from June 1 to August 31, which is when that section of the park is operational. The other two sections of the park are operational from May 1 to September 30.
There are snack stands with a covered seating area nearby in the rides section and water park. Those will be offering soft drinks (no alcohol), ice cream, french fries, hog dogs, hamburgers and other typical American food items. There is a family style restaurant located directly outside the park that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner for park guests and other passers-by.
It is located in a state in the U.S.A . with about 8 million residents. The amusement park is 30 minutes to 1 hour's driving distance from 4 major cities. Those cities have populations that range from 100,000 to 1.5 million people. There are several good quality motels located near the park, none of them are more than 15 minutes drive from the entrance gate.
Assessment Instructions:
Imagine you work in the marketing team for Fantastic Adventure Park. The team wants to make sure that the overall S.T.P. strategy is effective and produces the highest amount of overall sales. First, consider the four market segments: Geographic, Demographic, Psychographic, and Behavioral.
- Identify all the relevant variables from each segment that apply to the amusement park.
- Select the best variables from the segmentation to create the target customer groups. You will have combinations of the variables in different customer groups based on who you think has interest in visiting Fantastic Adventure Park.
- Decide how those target customer groups will allow the marketing team to position Fantastic Adventure Park by creating a concept that appeals to those target groups. That concept will be the value proposition which should occupy the right spot in the mind of the target customers and attract them to visit the park. Keep in mind all the amusement park has to offer to the target customer.
- Decide on an optimal marketing mix of the wide range of available promotional tools that will be specific for each target customer group. That marketing mix can include advertising. Which kind? How will that type of advertising be effective in presenting the value proposition to the target customer group? That marketing mix can include flyers or brochures. How or where will those be delivered to the target customers? Consider any other promotional options that may involve other organizations, such as hotels or schools.