Family history is significant for depression and diabetes

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133730564


A 7-year-old boy has just been diagnosed with ADHD, combined type. Family history is significant for depression and diabetes. The patient's medical history is significant for asthma; physical exam reveals no abnormalities. According to current recommendations, does an ECG need to be obtained for this patient prior to prescribing a stimulant

Reference no: EM133730564

Questions Cloud

Associated with either eye specialist or ear specialist : Practice: The following medical terms are associated with either an eye specialist or an ear specialist.
Describe the values you bring to the nursing profession : Describe the values you bring to the nursing profession. Describe how you plan to use your profession to contribute to and/or give back to our community.
Discuss leadership behaviors : Discuss leadership behaviors you have demonstrated during your practicum experience to communicate a consistent image of the nurse as a leader.
What advocacy actions might you take to improve health care : What advocacy actions might you take to improve health care through legislation at the state or federal level?
Family history is significant for depression and diabetes : A 7-year-old boy has just been diagnosed with ADHD, combined type. Family history is significant for depression and diabetes.
How will your pharmacological treatment change : What is the current recommendation for pharmacological treatment for Mr. Deliver? How will your pharmacological treatment change?
Take into consideration the concept of cultural : Take into consideration the concept of cultural identity as described in our textbook.
Stereotypic pattern of pacing from keeper door : You have in your care a sloth bear that has begun a stereotypic pattern of pacing from keeper door to access door and back starting
Which you think is most useful to you or your organization : Among the concepts you have learned, which do you think is most useful to you or your organization? Which concept(s) caused the most confusion in this unit?


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