Families in low socio-economic community

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Reference no: EM133528550


You work for a non-government organisation that provides a range of supports to families in a low socio-economic community. The client group includes people with variety of needs including mental health problems, histories of trauma, drug and alcohol problems, domestic violence, and social isolation. However, there is another group of clients with less complicated needs. Their primary problem is financial hardship caused by unemployment and recent increases in housing costs. You overhear one of your colleagues in say the following: "Some of my clients have real problems. They need a lot of help and I don't mind giving it. But there's absolutely nothing wrong with some of my other clients. They just need to get a job, and there's no reason they can't work. Or they just need to manage their money better. Then I could put my time into helping people who really deserve it."

Reference no: EM133528550

Questions Cloud

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Families in low socio-economic community : You work for a non-government organisation that provides a range of supports to families in a low socio-economic community.
What is the premise of plato republic : What is the premise of Plato's Republic and how might his ideas be applied to current issues regarding technology?
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