Reference no: EM133126653
Faithfulness in Your Work
In the Book of Acts, Paul was faithful during the good times and the bad. Most of his experiences were challenging to say the least. As he preached the Word, he was thrown in jail, beaten, ship-wrecked, and rejected by his own. What was it that drove him to continue in the work of the Lord? When Paul encountered the Road to Damascus, he was commissioned to preach the Gospel and teach. His work described in the Book of Acts is the played-out story of his commitment to our Lord - no matter what. He said, "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). He saw the end product of his work and did not deter from it. We all have a calling to do God's work.
When I entered my doctoral program, I felt called. I didn't know what was ahead. I just knew this is what I needed to do, and I have to let God do the rest. I have felt his presence and assurance of this. Just knowing this has made the struggles and difficulties I face much easier, and I am confident He is in control.
This program will award each of you opportunities to be part of something bigger than yourselves. Holding fast to that vision of this work will carry you through to the end and onward as it did Paul and as I have seen in my own experience.
Share a time that things have been difficult. What did you do to push through that difficult to carry out your work?