Reference no: EM132287846
Server Availability Monitoring and Metrics
The purpose of the assignment is to compare free (open source) server monitoring tools based on the basic metrics of checking availability. Students will be able to complete the following ULOs:
1. Analyse and compare various server management systems
2. Compare emerging tools and techniques for system management
Assignment Description
Monitoring availability of servers and services is one of the core issues that companies face in their day to day operations. However, there are always some challenges such as at what metrics the availability of hardware, services and applications may be considered. Additionally, it is important to understand that what resources are being used by the servers and services while being up and running.
For further reading, could refer to the article "IT Infrastructure-Monitoring Tools" [1]. The article is available on the IEEE Explore, which could be easily accessed.
The assessment requires students to compare server availability monitoring tools Including (1) Nagios Core, (2) Ganglia, (3) CollectD, (4) Spiceworks, (5) Cacti, (6) Zabbix, (7) Icinga, (8) OpenNMS, and (9) WhatsUp Gold, in terms of the metrics given in the following. The students are required to submit a report, which includes:
1. Comparison of the above server availability monitoring tools to check their performance in terms of:
a) Disk usage
b) CPU monitoring
c) Process Monitoring
d) Bandwidth Monitoring
e) Resource Measuring
f) Overall availability
2. Discuss and evaluate in detail the server availability monitoring architecture.
3. Propose a solution to avoid data vulnerability in server availability monitoring tools.
4. Discuss the impact of failure prediction on server availability monitoring.