Fade out the element at a normal speed using linear easing

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131599467


Add the following html code to the page before the <hr> and <footer>:
<div id="newsletter">
<p><a href="#" id="signuplink"><span id="openclose">+</span> Sign up for our newsletter</a></p>
<form name="newsSignup" method="post" action="thanks.html" id="newsSignup">
<p><label>Name: <input type="text" name="uname"></label></p>
<p><label>Email address: <input type="email" name="email"></label></p>
<p><input type="submit" value="Sign Up"> </p>
Hide the newSignup form when the page loads.
Add a click event to the signuplink anchor tag to do the following:
Use the slideToggle function to show or hide the newsSignup form.
If the openclose span contains a +, change the + to a -.
Otherwise, change the - to a +.
Be sure to cancel the link default action.
Add a hover action to the slogan element to do the following:
On mouseover:
Fade out the element at a normal speed using linear easing
Once the text is faded out (hint, use a callback function), change the text to 'Hand Picked Just for You' and then fade it in slowly using the swing easing.
On mouseout:
Fade out the element at fast speed using swing
Once it is faded out, change the text back to 'The Power of Flowers' and fade in slowly using linear easing.
Add the following element to the bottom of the html page below the footer:

<img id="rose" src="rose.jpg" alt="Rose">
(image file attached above)
Add the following to the css file to position the rose as an absolute element inside the container div with opacity 0:

#rose {
position: absolute;
right: -100px;
top: 20px;
opacity: 0;
#container {
position: relative;

Add animation in the document.ready function to move the rose element to a position of right: 100px and opacity: 1. When the page loads the rose should move into position from the right side and fade in slowly using the swing easing function.
Add a submit event to the form to do the following:
Display an alert message: "Thank you for registering"
Hide the newsSignup form
Fade the signuplink anchor tag to 30% opacity
Stop the default action to submit the form

Reference no: EM131599467

Questions Cloud

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Fade out the element at a normal speed using linear easing : Add animation in the document.ready function to move the rose element to a position - Hide the newsSignup form
What is the average vehicle size : a. What is the average vehicle size assuming each vehicle is filled to capacity?
What is the probability that you grab all green apples : A basket of apples contains 2 Red Delicious, 3 Macintosh, 3 Granny Smith, and 4 Golden Delicious. You grab 4 apples (without replacement) to make a pie.
Did sorenson job of placing dorothy in foster homes : How do you feel about the way Mr. Sorenson, the man from the Children's Aid Society, did his job of placing Dorothy in foster homes? Explain your response.
Relationship between prostate cancer and sunlight : what does this indicate about the possibility of a linear relationship between sunlight and prostate cancer levels?


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