Factors helping corporate businesses to become sustainable

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM13787222 , Length: 59 Pages

Write a Dissertation on Topic "Factors helping corporate businesses to become sustainable in supply chain logistics management in Qatar"
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This paper looks at the factors influencing supply chain management in the country of Qatar. In today's fast moving and globalized economies, it has become imperative for organizations to have strategic and comprehensively effective management tools at their disposal. A sustainable supply chain management system covers all functional areas of management, right from procurement of raw materials, to its production, it involves the marketing and promotional activities of the company as well as ensuring effective and efficient delivery of the finished product (or service) to the end user.
Qatar may be one of the smallest countries in the Gulf area. However, it is one of the fastest growing. Qatar is looking to move away from its reliance on hydrocarbon and become a knowledge based economy. It has recently been allotted to organize the 2022 FIFA World Cup, which is a massive achievement for this small nation. However, the government and other companies are having logistical problems in organizing this Global Event.
The paper takes a look at the problems in the supply chain system of Qatari companies. Research is based on both primary as well as secondary sources. Secondary sources have given us a strong albeit a limited view of the factors influencing supply chain management in Qatar. However, the primary research has revealed specificlimitations and provided a much clearer picture. The paper attempts to derive suitable conclusions based on the research and offer relevant recommendations based on the same.

Keywords: Supply chain, logistics, GCC, sustainability, Corporate social responsibility, green initiatives

Table of Contents
Abstract 1
1. Chapter 1: Introduction 3
1.1 Research Aim 5
1.2 Research Objectives 5
1.3 Research Question 5
1.4 Significance of Research 5
2. Literature Review 7
2.1 Overview of Supply chain logistics in Qatar 7
2.2 Supply Chain Management 7
2.3 Model for a sustainable supply chain management influenced by environmental practices 8
2.4 Sustainability in Supply Chain Management 9
2.5 Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Risk Management 10
2.6 Need for Sustainability in Qatar 11
2.7 Sustainable Supply Chain Management and External Stake holders 13
2.7.1 Authoritative execution 13
2.7.2 Environmental execution 14
2.7.3 Financial Execution 15
2.8 Use and Role of Information Technology in SCM 15
2.9 Factors contributing in Supply Chain Logistics 17
2.10 Recommendations 19
2.11 Summary 20
3. Chapter 3- Research Methodology 21
3.1 Conducting research in scientific manner 21
3.2 Research Design 22
3.3 Method of Research 23
3.3.1 Qualitative vs Quantitative 23
3.3.2 Induction vs Deduction 23
3.3.3 Primary Research 24
3.3.4 Secondary Research 25
3.5 Validity and Reliability 26
3.5 Research Limitation 26
4. Chapter 4: Results and Discussion 27
4.1 Literature Review Analysis 27
4.2 Interview Analysis 28
4.3 Discussion 39
5. Conclusions and Recommendations 43
5.1 Conclusion 43
Study based Conclusion 45
5.2 Recommendations 46
References 50
Appendix 1: 55
Appendix 2: Survey Sheet 56

Reference no: EM13787222

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