Factor analysis project

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Reference no: EM13960770 , Length: 2000 Words

Factor analysis project 

First, use exploratory factor analysis on the 52 items of the questionnaire to formulate and name the factors associated with the customers’ satisfaction with Borchert’s mower. Items that show no relevance to factors can be discarded. These items are scored as follows: 1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neutral, 4=agree, 5=strongly agree. 

Second, conduct a regression analysis to test the theory that the customers’ satisfaction with the mower influences his or her intention to purchase another Borchert mower. The intention to purchase another mower is scored on a continuum from 1 to 5, with 1 associated with extremely likely to purchase and 5 associated with extremely unlikely to purchase. 

The dataset contains a score for each subject for the 52 items and a score for buying intention. The scores for the 52 items are in columns 1 through 52, and column 53 contains the score for each customer’s intention to purchase another mower. 

Prepare a report of the results of 2 and a half double-spaced pages along with tables associated with the results. Also include a log stating the steps used in the research, and any pertinent SPSS printouts. 


Questionnaire items: 


  1. adjusting the blade height
  2. borchert’s reputation
  3. parts for the mower
  4. design features on the mower
  5. requires frequent repair
  6. Borchert is the leader
  7. Borchert’s advertisements do not exaggerate
  8. mower has adequate safety features
  9. mower is very durable
  10. mower cuts grass evenly
  11. mower is very durable
  12. Borchet’s manual supplies little useful information
  13. Borchet’s dealers are honest
  14. mower starts easily
  15. responsive to customer complaints
  16. handle controls are difficult to use
  17. mower requires too much care
  18. mower is safe to use
  19. dealer demonstration
  20. ‘conveniently located dealers
  21. salesmen are not very helpful
  22. salesmen are familiar with the mower’s features
  23. mower is difficult to maneuver
  24. optional features are expensive
  25. engine needs frequent adjustment
  26. controls are hard to get at
  27. mower warranty exclusion
  28. dealers have inconvenient hours
  29. mower is too heavy
  30. mower is too expensive
  31. self propelled feature is good
  32. hard to use in tight spots
  33. retail store repairmen
  34. automatic choke
  35. salesmen are friendly
  36. mower does good job in tall grass
  37. difficult mower to start
  38. fair warranty policy
  39. oil leakage is not a problem
  40. mower is quiet
  41. mower is powerful enough
  42. mechanical parts vibrate
  43. mower is well built
  44. lawn is better nourished and greener
  45. mower is easier to store
  46. repair takes a long time
  47. does not cause thatch buildup
  48. uses a lot of gas
  49. clippings out of garden and off sidewalks
  50. have to cut more frequently
  51. excessive tire tracks
  52. power drive moves mower at right pace

Attachment:- project.rar

Reference no: EM13960770

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