Face-to-face and voice-to-voice communication

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133118234

Critical Thinking 1.

1. The use of digital communication has overtaken face-to-faceand voice-to-voice communication in the workplace. Has this shift changed the fundamental process ofcommunication?

2. Why do you think employers prefer messages that are notwritten like high school and college essays?

3. Why should business writers strive to use short, familiar, simplewords? Does this dumb down business messages?

4. A wise observer once said that bad writing makes smartpeople look dumb. Do you agree or disagree, and why?

5. Ethical Issue: After a workplace project was completed,you were rightfully upset. You and two other teammembers did all of the work, but two freeloaders aresharing in the credit. This probably wouldn't havehappened in college team assignments. Should youreport the freeloaders to the manager?

Critical Thinking. 2.

1. When creating its international expansionpolicy, Walmart at firstfollowed the advice ofHarvard professor TheodoreLevitt, who advocatedstandardization, notlocalization. "Gone areaccustomed differencesin national or regionalpreferences," Levitt wrote.Truly global firms sought to"force suitably standardizedproducts and practiceson the entire globe.Should companies keep astandardized approach oradapt to local markets?

2. What domestic and globalchanges prompt the international expansion ofcompanies such as Walmart?

3. What other U.S. businessescan you name that havemerged with foreign companies or expanded to become multinational orglobal? Have you heard of anynotable successes or failures?

Reference no: EM133118234

Questions Cloud

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What should be the market price the buyer should expect : If investors currently require a return of 5.0% on bonds with GM's risk profile, what should be the market price the buyer should expect to pay on the bond
Face-to-face and voice-to-voice communication : The use of digital communication has overtaken face-to-face and voice-to-voice communication in the workplace.
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