Reference no: EM132379356
Optional: Extra Credit Assignment
You have the opportunity to complete an extra credit assignment this semester. This assignment is OPTIONAL. You will NOT be penalized if you decide not to complete it.
To receive extra credit on your Research Essay, complete the following:
- Read Octavia Butler's Parable of the Talents (the sequel to Parable of the Sower)
- Write a two-page MLA formatted reading response that captures your reactions, thoughts, feelings about a theme, motif, character, etc. from the novel. This response is just like the Parable of the Sower reading responses you wrote during the semester. Also, the reading response should reflect that you read the book.
- Include a MLA citation for the book, but you do not have to conduct outside research. The assignment is due on Monday, December 9th at 5 PM in the dropbox on D2L. Since this is extra credit, you may not have extra time or an extension to complete this assignment.
- How do I know if I received extra credit? If you submit the assignment, follow directions, and your response indicates that you read the book, you will receive some points. I will update your essay grade to reflect the points.
- Where do you apply the extra credit? I apply the extra credit to your research paper.
- How many points do you give? It depends on the level of insight and follow through of the assignment, and it depends on need. For instance, if you were a few points away from the letter grade you desire, the extra credit could get you there.