External changes facing australian businesses

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131607417

Essay Question

‘The challenges to labour demand and supply posed by globalisation, and environmental and demographic changes, means that organisations can no longer assume that jobs will remain unchanged for long periods and that Human Resource Planning only needs to focus on internal replacement charts and succession planning. To remain relevant, HRP must focus on scenario planning which takes account of the major external changes facing Australian businesses.' Discuss.

General advice:

The question asks you to discuss the statement. This means that you need to consider all of the views in the academic literature on this topic and, on the basis of the evidence, draw on conclusion as to whether you agree or disagree.

You will find helpful advice on how to answer an essay which requires you to 'discuss' in the Essay Writing Guide, which is on this Moodle site. In addition, this guide will give you very useful advice on how to organise your ideas, how to organise and structure your written answer, and how to use your own 'voice' and avoid potential plagiarism issues. Please read through the guide before you start on the essay.

You should start by becoming familiar with the discussion in chapter 2 of the textbook. This reading will give you a basic idea of the issues to be discussed in the question.

Then undertake additional reading on the issues. One way is to follow up some of the material referred to in the footnotes in the pages of the text listed above. The full details of the footnotes can be found at the end of the chapter.

You can also use the Fed Uni library search engine to find other academic references. A useful way to do this is to type some of the keywords from the question into the search box on the library website.

Please write in normal essay style. Avoid the use of sub-headings; instead introduce new material through the use of an introductory sentence, and conclude each section with a summary sentence that also links to the next section of the essay.

Research and referencing requirements:

You MUST include a minimum of 6 academic references in your research in addition the reference of the text book. Academic references are those which have been peer reviewed for quality assurance. These include articles from academic journals and academic textbooks from reputable publishers.

It is always best to use the library database, or the references from the textbook, to choose your material. Wikipedia is not peer reviewed, and many other internet sources similarly are not peer reviewed and cannot be verified. This is why you should only use the library database or references from the textbook (which you can search using the library database).

Referencing must be in APA format. In-text citations must be included, as well as a full reference list at the end of the essay.

1800 words.Note: There are penalties for exceeding the word limit (5% above or below the given word limit is acceptable; references and appendices are not counted towards the total word counts). Beyond the 5% threshold, 1 mark will be deducted for every 10% exceed of the given word limit.

Verified Expert

The solution contains in total 1800 words approximately and the solution has been completed by using the APA referencing style as instructed by the client. The solution is an essay around the topic "The Significance of Human Resource Planning: Linking: & evolves around the concept of Labour Supply & demand along with how Strategic HR planning can help in resolving the problems & issues arising out of the Labour Supply-Demand mismatch.

Reference no: EM131607417

Questions Cloud

Find the median and mean time gap : In 1950 an experiment was done observing the time gaps between successive cars on the Arroyo Seco Freeway.8 The data show that the density function.
Create your own idea for a non-profit corporation : Models of Non-Profit Governance. Now, create your own idea for a non-profit corporation. There are no "right or wrong" ideas in this regard.
How does strategic positioning benefit a firm : How does strategic positioning benefit a firm? Discuss the importance of advertising, branding, and the effect of both on the product's demand curve.
Explain how the word belief is essentially synonymous : Explain how the word belief is essentially synonymous with the word doctrine - discuss the perspective you have in your current employment.
External changes facing australian businesses : BUHRM5912 - To remain relevant, HRP must focus on scenario planning which takes account of the major external changes facing Australian businesses.' Discuss.
Probability the transistor fails within second six months : The probability of a transistor failing between t = a months and t = b months is given by ca?b e-ct dt,
Find the mean and median of x : A quantity x is distributed with density function p(x) = 0.5(2 - x) for 0 = x = 2 and p(x) = 0 otherwise. Find the mean and median of x.
Magazine or journal article from a non-historical source : Now find two examples of websites on your topic that are not credible or appropriate for academic use
How closely the data is clustered around the mean : Using a calculator or computer, sketch graphs of the density function of the normal distribution.



9/27/2017 5:57:11 AM

Was satisfactory as good as supposed to. I got good marks than expected, please keep the things same in coming future it would be great if I could get good assignments. It will help me completing my degree.


9/7/2017 5:15:16 AM

Can I change it to report style..like have the summary...conclusion....Thank you I want no extra words in the solution..just get the type setting in report style...just like have summary of and conclusion.. 24728752_1ppt ch01 stone4e-1.ppt 24728752_2ppt ch05 stone4e.ppt 24728752_3ppt ch02 stone4e.ppt 24728789_1ppt ch06 stone4e.ppt 24728789_2ppt ch07 stone4e.ppt


8/21/2017 7:26:48 AM

You MUST include a minimum of 6 academic references in your research in addition the reference of the text book. Academic references are those which have been peer reviewed for quality assurance. These include articles from academic journals and academic textbooks from reputable publishers. It is always best to use the library database, or the references from the textbook, to choose your material. Wikipedia is not peer reviewed, and many other internet sources similarly are not peer reviewed and cannot be verified. This is why you should only use the library database or references from the textbook (which you can search using the library database). Referencing must be in APA format. In-text citations must be included, as well as a full reference list at the end of the essay.


8/21/2017 7:26:41 AM

1800 words.Note: There are penalties for exceeding the word limit (5% above or below the given word limit is acceptable; references and appendices are not counted towards the total word counts). Beyond the 5% threshold, 1 mark will be deducted for every 10% exceed of the given word limit. Due Date: This essay is due on the Friday of Week 5 by 11:59PM at your local time. Submission Details: Essays must be uploaded to the submission link on the course’s Moodle site. There is no hard copy submission.

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