Extension of juvenile justice rights

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Reference no: EM133495202


In Re Gault was a landmark case in the extension of juvenile justice rights. A legal brief requires the following: the case title, statement of the issue of the case, the details of the case background, and the way in which the court ruled, with an explanation supporting that ruling.

Reference no: EM133495202

Questions Cloud

Discussing activist rosa parks : Discuss the activist's background and why she became involved in activism. Discuss what types of activism she is involved in
Discusses both deviant and criminal behavior : Discusses both deviant and criminal behavior. Consider your 3 illegal behaviors- are they all deviant? Are they all criminal?
What is the dashboard attempting to convey : What were your first impressions of this week's assigned research item? What is the dashboard attempting to convey (be specific)?
Some routine activities that practically invite crime : Give examples of some routine activities that practically invite crime. Discuss the notion that criminal behavior is just as rational as noncriminal behavior.
Extension of juvenile justice rights : In Re Gault was a landmark case in the extension of juvenile justice rights.
Define social class and discuss its relevance to crime : Define social class and discuss its relevance to crime. Explain how social class can influence the likelihood of involvement in criminal activities,
Describe in detail four major types of secondary data : Describe in detail the four major types of secondary data. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of secondary research.
Explain the concept of redlining : Explain the concept of Redlining? How did redlining impact generational wealth in America?
Outline the departments or subdivisions : Outline the departments or subdivisions of the Florida Department of Corrections and the Florida Re-Entry Subdivision


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