Expresses concerns about his health and future speaks

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Reference no: EM133304018

Assignment: Patient: BRIGGS, THOMAS Account Number: BRI369 Date: 2/1/XX TREATMENT PLAN FOR OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY: Patient is a 59-year-old male who suffered a left CVA with right hemiparesis 1 week ago. ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING (ADL) - Feeds self independently once tray is prepared - No swallowing difficulties noted - Washes self independently once set up in chair at bedside; does require assistance of one staff member to stand for pericare - Requires assistance for most aspects of dressing; to do buttons, to put on and fasten shoes and socks, to stand, to pull up pants MOBILITY: - Transfers with assist of one staff member - Able to propel wheelchair short distances - Ambulates with assistance of a therapist - Sitting balance poor, needs chair with armrests and supervision to reach down to feet - Standing balance poor, needs light assistance to ambulate UPPER EXTREMEITY MOBILITY: - Right hand is swollen, passive flexion of interphalangeal (IP) joints limited - Right arm Brunnstrom stage 1 PSYCHOSOIAL ISSUES: - Becomes frustrated over expressive communication problems - Comprehension seems inconsistent - Expresses concerns about his health and future - Speaks with daughter every week by telephone - Calls son weekly, but he is always busy.

Reference no: EM133304018

Questions Cloud

Determine exactly what needs to go into training program : Which will consist of the current employees. How will you determine exactly what needs to go into the training program?
Describe the importance of having family involved : Describe the importance of having family involved in the prevention and treatment process for substance use disorders. How can you involve family to prevent
What that part of the brain does : what that part of the brain does and why you chose to talk about that part of the brain. Do you think you use that part of the brain every day and why
How split-brain patients demonstrate organization of brain : Explain how split-brain patients demonstrate the organization of the brain. Describe the experiments performed with these patients.
Expresses concerns about his health and future speaks : Expresses concerns about his health and future - Speaks with daughter every week by telephone - Calls son weekly, but he is always busy.
Identify and describe the key aspects of cultural safety : Identify and describe the key aspects of cultural safety that you established in consultation with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
Connection of developmental psychology theories : Connection of developmental psychology theories (Piaget, Erikson, and Kohlberg) to an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Mickey's Treat, a Halloween focused
What does this scenario tell us about attentional focus : which a sudden event like this could disrupt performance of a task, and other situations in which it could benefit performance of a task? In what ways can this
What are warning signs of sleep deprivation : What are warning signs of sleep deprivation? Do older adults experience more sleep problems? If so, why?


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