Express relationship-level meanings of communication

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Reference no: EM132301624

Experience Communication Case Study TAeamwork use nonverbal behaviors to announce and perform our identities, relying on actions, artifacts, and contextual features to embody what our culture has taught us is appropriate for our gender, race, class, sexuality, and ethnicity. We also noted that nonverbal communication is more restricted in digital environments than in face- to-face interactions. Because nonverbal communica- tion is ambiguous, we need to be aware of the potential for misunderstandings both in face-to-face interactions and those on social media. Effectiveness requires that we learn to monitor our nonverbal communication and to exercise caution in interpreting that of others. pply what you’ve learned in this chapter by analyzing the following case study, using the accompanying questions as a guide. These questions and a video of the case study are also available online with your MindTap Speech for Communication Mosaics. A project team is meeting to discuss the most effective way to present its recommendations for implementing a flextime policy on a trial basis. Members of the team are Jason (the team leader), Erika, Victoria, Bill, and Jensen. They are seated around a rectangular table with Jason at the head. Jason: So we’ve decided to recommend trying flextime for a two-month period and with a number of procedures to make sure that people’s new schedules don’t interfere with productivity. There’s a lot of information to communicate to employees, so how can we do that best? Victoria: I think it would be good to use PowerPoint to highlight the key aspects of the new procedures. People always seem to remember better if they see something. Bill: Oh, come on. PowerPoint is so overused. Everyone is tired of it by now. Can’t we do something more creative? Victoria: Well I like it. It’s a good teaching tool. Bill: I didn’t know we were teaching. I thought our job was to report recommendations. Victoria: So what do you suggest, Bill? [She nervously pulls on her bracelet as she speaks.] Bill: I don’t have a suggestion. I’m just against PowerPoint. [He doesn’t look up as he speaks.] Jason: Okay, let’s not bicker among ourselves. [He pauses, gazes directly at Bill, then continues.] Lots of people like PowerPoint, lots don’t. Instead of arguing about its value, let’s ask what it is we want to communicate to the employees here. Maybe talking about our goal first will help us decide on the best means of achieving it. Erika: Good idea. I’d like for us to focus first on getting everyone excited about the benefits of flextime. If they understand those, they’ll be motivated to learn the procedures, even if there are a lot of them. Jensen: Erika is right. That’s a good way to start. Maybe we could create a handout or PowerPoint slide—either would work—to summarize the benefits of flextime that we’ve identified in our research. Jason: Good, okay now we’re cooking. Victoria, will you make notes on the ideas as we discuss them?

Victoria opens a notebook and begins writing notes. Noticing that Bill is typing into his personal digital assistant (PDA), Jason looks directly at Bill and says, “Are you with us on how we lead off in our presentation?” Bill: Sure, fine with me. [He puts the PDA aside but keeps his eyes on it.] Erika: So maybe then we should say that the only way flextime can work is if we make sure that everyone agrees on procedures so that no division is ever missing more than one person during key production hours. Jensen: Very good. That would add to people’s motivation to learn and follow the procedures we’ve found are effective in other companies like ours. I think it would be great if Erika could present that topic because she did most of the research on it. He smiles at Erika, and she pantomimes tipping her hat to him. Jason: [He looks at Erika with a raised brow, and she nods.] Good. Okay, Erika’s in charge of that. What’s next? Victoria: Then it’s time to spell out the procedures and. . . . Bill: You can’t just spell them out. You have to explain each one—give people a rationale for them or they won’t follow them. Victoria glares at Bill, then looks across the table at Erika, who shrugs as if to say, “I don’t know what’s bothering Bill today.” Chapter 5 Engaging in Nonverbal Communication 105 Jason: Bill, why don’t you lead off, then, and tell us the first procedure we should mention and the rationale we should provide for it. Bill looks up from his PDA, which he’s been using again. He shrugs and says harshly, “Just spell out the rules, that’s all.” Victoria: Would it be too much trouble for you to cut off your gadget and join us in this meeting, Bill? Bill: Would it be too much trouble for you to quit hassling me? Jason: [He turns his chair to face Bill squarely.] Look, I don’t know what’s eating you, but you’re really being a jerk. If you’ve got a problem with this meeting or someone here, put it on the table. Otherwise, be a team player.

1. Identify nonverbal behaviors that regulate turn taking within the team.

2. Identify nonverbal behaviors that express relationship-level meanings of communication. What aspects of team members’ nonverbal communication express liking or disliking, responsiveness or lack of responsiveness, and power?

3. How do artifacts affect interaction between members of the team?

4. If you were the sixth member of this team, what kinds of communication might you enact to help relieve tension in the group?

Reference no: EM132301624

Questions Cloud

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