Exposure therapy and imagery by narrating the incident

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Reference no: EM133453751


1. It has been determined that there are failures of extinction and inhibitory learning in psychiatric disorders based on various studies pertaining to fear conditioning and its relationship.

2. Individuals who have PTSD are fearful of stimuli that remind them of traumatic experiences. People find it difficult to control their fear response even when there is no longer a threat. This is a challenge since it usually happens that the feared stimuli generalize, which may lead to greater functional impairment. A victim of abuse might refrain from going anywhere near the place where their abuser works, for instance. If their abuser works in a store, this may make them avoid the store, shopping, as well as other things in addition to merely avoiding the abuser.

3. Exposure therapy/imagery by narrating the incident(s), exposure therapy can assist patients in vividly imagining their traumatic encounter(s).

Reference no: EM133453751

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