Exposure and response prevention involves the therapist

Assignment Help Case Study
Reference no: EM133545214

Character Review

The purpose of this assignment is to do a case study of an individual struggling with a psychological disorder,adapting the OATTS template (found in Modules....Course Resources).The individual you choose to assess should have strong signs/symptoms of a psychological disorder, and may be in a movie or a person who is living or deceased. You can choose one of the following movies or somebodyyou have learned about through history, the media, and readings.

You may choose somebody else, but check with me first for approval


Other movies may be acceptable but check with me first for approval.

Format for research paper:
Break your paper into sections focusing on the following core areas (OATTS template). (Introduction, Overview of the movie/person, Analysis: (Diagnosis: Origin, assessment, theories), Treatment, Conclusion/Summary)The "Origin" should identify when, and how, the symptoms of the disorder(s) were first identified in your chosen person. "Assessment" should identify the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for the disorder(s), and which symptoms were noticed in your chosen person. The "Theories" section should review the theories as to the causes of the disorder(s) as noted in your references. "Treatment" should review what treatment options have been tried, or should be tried, with your chosen person. The "Summary" section should provide a summary paragraph regarding your chosen person and her/his disorder(s).

You can use each of the categories below as your headings and sub-headings. It can be very helpful to start your paper by writing out the academic material that reflects each of the areas that you are looking at. Once you have a strong understanding of the concept write down an example from the video that relates to this academic information. You are then ready to write your paper which will display an understanding of applied knowledge. Showing the connection between what you have learned in class and the movie.

Section 1 Introduction:
The goal of your introduction is to engage the reader by starting out with a strong introductory sentence. Within your introduction, you need to include the reason why this paper is important, the episode you are reviewing, the individual character you are focusing on, and develop a strong thesis statement.

• THESIS-Introduction: Using Susanna Kaysen as a case study, this paper is going to examine borderline personality disorder and highlight the usefulness of it as diagnostic criteria as well as discuss the modes of treatment for borderline patients.

Section 2- Overview of the movie
In a short paragraph summarize the episode that you watched or person who you are analyzing.

Section 3- Analysis or Diagnosis
• The "Origin" should identify when, and how, the symptoms of the disorder(s) were first identified in your chosen person.
• The "Assessment" should identify the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for the disorder(s), and which symptoms were noticed in your chosen person.
• The "Theories" section should review the theories as to the causes of the disorder(s) as noted in your references. "
Example: The DSM also states that the obsessions and compulsions within OCD pose a considerable amount of stress on an individual (Brakoulias&Starcevic, 2011), particularly in the presence of relentless thoughts, or when compulsions cannot be carried out (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2011). When Melvin's outlandish behaviors are observed and challenged by others, his anxiety manifests and becomes visible in his intolerance of and rudeness toward others, and he immediately attempts to remove himself from the stressor
Example: According to Nolen-Hoeksema (2011), psychodynamic theory, though not widely viewed as particularly effective, seeks to assist individuals in uncovering and resolving the conflict hidden within their obsessions and compulsions. It may be due to Melvin's troubled childhood that past conflicts and experiences have been repressed through the development of neurotic impulses, unrealistic constraints, and rigorous routine setting.

Section 4: Treatment
Treatment" should review what treatment options have been tried, or should be tried, with your chosen person.

• Example: Exposure and response prevention involves the therapist exposing the individual to the obsession, delaying gratification by preventing the performance of the coinciding behavior, and assisting the individual to manage the surfacing anxiety (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2011). In Melvin's case, his psychiatrist might encourage Melvin to dirty his hands, and resist the urge to wash them immediately, while providing the necessary support to work through his angst.

Section 5: Summary/Conclusion:
Brief overview of the case.
• Example: OCD is an incapacitating disorder, characteristic of ceaseless obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors, which greatly intrude upon an individual's normal level of functioning and quality of life. Through following the account of Melvin Udall, a character in the comical movie, As Good As It Gets, this paper sought to investigate the diagnosis and symptoms, causative factors, as well as the available options for treatment in OCD. Though unrealistic in many of its humorous depictions of the development and remedy of the disorder, the movie was loosely able to offer the audience some discernment and empathy into the actual internal turmoil experienced by an individual inflicted with OCD.

Reference page:
• Include a reference page at the end of your report. In addition to your textbook, and DSM 5 Manual, you must use at least one additional references from scholarly sources, i.e. book, or academic journal, or internet, to complete your case report.

Please follow APA guidelines. The length of your paper is between 5-6 pages (excluding cover and reference pages) double-spaced with 12 pt font and 1" margins.

Reference no: EM133545214

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