Explosive growth of digital crime and fighting digital crime

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Reference no: EM131467598


"Explosive Growth of Digital Crime and Fighting Digital Crime" Please respond to the following:

· Identify at least two (2) factors that have led to the explosive growth of digital crime over the past a few decades. Next, describe the most common forms of digital crime, and give your opinion as to why those forms you described are so common. Provide a rationale for your response.

From the e-Activity, list three (3) types of digital crime, and name the main federal agencies which have primary responsibility to enforce digital crime laws. Next, recommend one (1) way for the federal agencies in question to improve the overall public response to computer crimes. Include the role of an individual citizen in the fight against digital crime in your discussion. 1. Cyber Stalking- Enforced by the FBI 2.

Viruses- Enforced by The Secret Service 3. Piracy- Enforced by the ICE, FBI, and HIS

Please respond to the following student

Over the past few decades, the need for computer technology has greatly increased. Users now turn to many forms of "computers" for daily tasks. Therefore, digital crime has also increased. Two factors that I believe have led to the explosive growth of digital crime

1. Identity Theft- Since computers are used for almost everything we do in life, many of us enter too much personal information into these devices. This personal information is now out there for hackers to retrieve and use in the theft of our identity.

2. Credit Card Fraud- An increase of online purchases and bill payment has allowed for credit card information to become more vulnerable to theft and/or fraud.

I believe these are the most common forms of digital crimes because they are the most commonly used by individuals.

Three types of digital crime include:

1. Cyber Stalking- Enforced by the FBI

2. Viruses- Enforced by The Secret Service

3. Piracy- Enforced by the ICE, FBI, and HIS

The federal virus genies in question can improve the overall public response to such computer crimes by identifying target areas for the reported crimes. Individual citizens can also assist in the fight against digital crime as well.

To do so, when a crime is committed, the citizen should immediately report all aspects of the known crime to the proper authorities. Additionally, individual citizens can do things to prevent said crimes from occurring, such as; block and report cyber stalkers, install and use trusted anti-virus software and stay away from piracy websites.

Discussion 2

"Tort Law and Police Powers" Please respond to the following:

· From the e-Activity, specify the key differences between criminal law and tort law. Next, explain the common approaches that the judicial system takes in order to ensure that the public upholds these two (2) types of laws. Provide one (1) specific example of cases in which the judicial system applies these approaches to support your response.

· In the context of criminal law, what is "substantive law," and what is "procedural law?" What are the meanings and differences between these 2 terms? As a member of society, which of these 2 types of law are you generally more aware of?

· For a bonus point, how is "substantive" pronounced? (Hint: The narrator of our Week 1 lecture did not pronounce this word correctly!) In your pronunciation, be sure to show which syllable is emphasized as well as how the word is pronounced.

Please reply to the following student

Criminal Law is a set of rules and statutes that the federal government has identified as a crime. The conduct that has been committed could cause harm to public safety and well-being which can establish punishment that can be imposed for the commission of the acts. The defendant is charged with a crime such as murder, burglary, robbery or theft. The legal action is initiated by the prosecutor on behalf of people and society at large. The state must prove that the defendant is guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The punishment received can be incarceration, a fine, or sometimes the death penalty.

A tort is the wrongful act that causes an injury to another person or another person's property or reputation. Tort law provides the injured party with a remedy, usually in the form of money. This is usually tried in civil court. There is not a burden of proof required for a tort. The penalty for a tort is monetary. There is not any jail time involved. The person who feels wronged or injured is the one who decides whether to file a civil suit.

One example that I found took place in 2014. A jury awarded a family nearly $2 million dollars in compensatory and punitive damages. Four Denver police officers entered into the home without a warrant. Apparently, they thought they were raiding the home of some drug dealers. The drug dealers moved out the month before. The officers tried to cover up the mistake by arresting the family claiming that they assaulted the officers. The criminal charges were dropped. The family turns around and sues the police department. The officers were never disciplined for their actions.

If a crime is committed, the defendant can be punished depending on what the crime is. There are sentencing guidelines that are available for the court system to use make sure that the defendant is being sentenced properly. This is done to keep personal feelings out of the sentencing guidelines. States have adopted a variety of laws attempting to limit frivolous lawsuits. According to Reinhart, "the Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11 is the primary sanction for frivolous claims" (Reinhart, 1998). The judge can also hand out a penalty for filing a frivolous lawsuit.

Reinhart, C. (1998). Frivolous Lawsuits in Connecticut, Attempts to Enact Laws to Limit Them, and Laws in Other States. Cga.ct.gov. Retrieved, from


Substantive Law deals with the law that establish the rights and obligations of individuals, what individuals can or cannot do. Procedural law basically deals with the ways in which substantive law can be enforced. The differences are that the substantive are the rights of the people and the procedural law are how laws are enforced.

As a member of society, I am more aware of the substantive law because I am more aware of what I can and cannot do. This keeps me as a member of society from going to jail. If I break any of these laws, then I will then focus on the procedural laws because I want to make sure my attorney is going to be able to keep me from going to jail.

For a bonus point, how is "substantive" pronounced? (Hint: The narrator of our Week 1 lecture did not pronounce this word correctly!) In your pronunciation, be sure to show which syllable is emphasized as well as how the word is pronounced.

Reference no: EM131467598

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