Exploring the work other researchers have done in the area

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131015501

Create a literature review, incorporating each of your references (minimum of five), tying them to each other and to the thesis of your project in a single narrative. You should cite each source in the body of your literature review and in a references page at the end of your paper.

Your literature review should be arranged in the following way:

Introduction: A concise definition of the topic and organization with which you are working. A clearly stated thesis of your project. A brief description about how this project might be interesting and/or important to your readers/adudience.
Main Body: A discussion of each of your sources, including what they are claiming, how they relate to other sources you are using, and how they support your thesis (make sure you identify and cite each source as you use them). Each work should be summarized and evaluated for its premise, scope, and conclusion. In addition, address any inconsistencies, omissions, or errors, as well as accuracy, depth, and relevance you find compelling or think maight be useful to your readers/audience. Use logical connections and transitions to connect sources.

Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the key findings of the review in general terms. You may want to revisit commonalities and differences between your sources, whether favorable or not. Make sure you tie your work throughout this review back to your thesis.

The Literature Review

Rather than just analyzing resources, this week we will be blending our resources into a larger frame, drawing connections between each of the resources and to our project thesis.

A literature review has two specific goals:

To demonstrate that you, the researcher, has done his or her due dillgence in exploring the work other researchers have done in the area; and

To ground the theory in the current research available.
You should think of your literature review as a way to tell a story about your research using sources as guideposts along the way. Think about your role in this as a moderator in a discussion between your sources, and your job is to keep them focused on your thesis (this is usually the first section of a research article, so you should use the literature reviews of your sources as a model for what we are doing here).

References: As well as accurate in-text citations, your literature review must contain complete and correct APA citations for every source in a references page at the end of your review.

Verified Expert

The report is about the leadership and worl culture of google company. The thesis statement is about the Google transformation andtransaction leadership analysis. The report presents informationabout leadership practices that is unconventional. Report also offersconclusion in favor of Google Company. The referencing style is APA.The word count is 900

Reference no: EM131015501

Questions Cloud

Calculate the irr for the following two projects : Calculate the IRR for the following two projects. Which of the two projects is preferable based on the IRR? Under what conditions is it acceptable to use the IRR? Under what conditions should caution be used when implementing the IRR?
Executive compensation on acutal performance : Business week says 'firms should base executive compensation on acutal performance, rather than on the company's stock price. Hor example Target Corp. bases executive pay on same store sales growth rather than stock prices
Find the inflection point on sigmoid curve : A sigmoid learning curve is used to model proficiency. Find the inflection point, the point where additional practice starts producing diminishing returns.
Calculate the irr for the project : Please explain and show all work including equations. Calculate the IRR for the project that has a $86,347 investment and the following returns. Should this project be undertaken if the MARR is 16%?
Exploring the work other researchers have done in the area : Rather than just analyzing resources, this week we will be blending our resources into a larger frame, drawing connections between each of the resources and to our project thesis.
Net present value and annualized net present value : Calculate the Net Present Value and the Annualized Net Present Value for the two projects with the following cash flow streams given an MARR of 15%. Which project is preferable based on the NPV? Which is preferable based on the ANPV? Which of the ..
Calculate the net present value for the project : Calculate the Net Present Value for the project that requires an investment of $91,347, has the estimated returns given in the following table, and must meet a minimum acceptable rate of return of 15%:
Relationship between the interest rate and the npv : Evaluate the following two cash flow streams using the PP, ROI, NPV, and IRR. Assume a MARR of 8%. Plot a graph showing the relationship between the interest rate and the NPV. Provide an interpretation of your calculations and graph.
Where does the information on waste come from : How does just-in-time (JIT) inventory control help organizations become leaner? Where does the information on waste (waste in raw materials, waste in process and flow, etc.) come from


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