Exploring the linkages between the goals in both agendas

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Reference no: EM133622567

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a urgent call for action for peace and prosperity for people and the planet adopted by all United Nation Member States in 2013. The agenda has 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) designed to monitor progress for human well-being, environmental protection and partnerships. The African Union has also defined a set of development Goals targeted for the continent in a longer time frame through the formulation of the African Agenda 2063 in 2013 . There is interest in exploring the linkages between the goals in both agendas, that recognize priorities for Africa while understanding international development conventions and practices.

Work has been done in identifying key links between the UN SDGs and the African Agenda 2063 (AA2063), but these analyses have remained either high-level or country-level specific Small organizations and local organizations may not have the ability to map impact of their projects on both agendas. The purpose of this study is to explore synergies between the SDGs and AA2063 to help define priorities for action in targeted interventions. The aim is to understand whether the two agendas converge, the synergies or differences between them and whether these can help funders, policy makers and practitioners be more effective at achieving both agendas simultaneously, and lastly, whether the SDGs can be grounded in the African Agenda 2063.

The UN 2030 Agenda is a global agenda which brings nations together to address global challenges for sustainable development. It is increasingly expected for bilateral and multilateral development projects and programs in sub-Saharan Africa to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, Africa's agency in steering sustainable development priorities, notably by proposing its own development agenda and achievements' visions such as those contained in the African Agenda 2063 (AA2063), must be better recognized.

This process involved reviewing 32,617 possible connections between the 169 SDG Targets and 193 Agenda 2063 Targets. Key results identified 4,434 (14%) connections and three approaches for selecting overlapping areas of action: based on strength of connections, number of connections, and a combination of both.The findings could facilitate funders, policy makers and practitioners to leverage multiple benefits through a targeted approach to address both agendas effectively.

Reference no: EM133622567

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