Exploring the humanities

Assignment Help Humanities
Reference no: EM133308026


You have started the journey of exploring the Humanities and its rich diversity, where so many different cultures are universally connected through the beauty of art and the soothing rhythms of music, and in this first forum, you are going to explore the ways 'food' celebrates moments in our lives. Respond to the following in paragraph form:

Describe a food dish you have especially prepared or served for a life event (wedding, birthday, graduation, anniversary, etc.). Include as many details as you can.

  • History of the dish
  • How it connects to your family
  • The ingredients
  • Image of the dish
  • Anything else you want to share to demonstrate the specialness of the dish in your life

Reflect on how that food became a part of the life event and how it crossed the cultural boundary.

  • For example, was the dish a conversation starter, such as a family member helping a guest learn how to maneuver with chopsticks?
  • Think also about how the dish added to the memory of the celebration.


Reference no: EM133308026

Questions Cloud

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