Reference no: EM133791540
Please watch the following videos. The first video, "Bolivia Water Wars" is about the Cochabamba water wars in Bolivia. In the year 2000, the right-wing neoliberal government of Bolivia attempted to privatize their water supply. This takeover gave rise to a massive movement of farmers, students, and indigenous peoples. The people were able to stop the privatization, but the struggle isn't over. The second video, "UMA: a water crisis in Bolivia," is a trailer to a longer documentary. The documentary is about how mining companies take over the water and pollute it.
The third video is an animated video based on the story of Grandmother Grasshopper (Abuela Grillo). It is a beautiful mixture of myth and history.
After watching all three videos, please answer the questions below.
We are exploring the concepts of colonization and coloniality. Much discussion is given to the "why" of colonization. Usually, the answer is greed. But just as important as the "why," so is the "how." Please consider both the "why" and the "how" of colonialism (or neocolonialism). Considering everything you have learned in this class up to this point, and any previous knowledge you have, to answer each of the following questions. Each section should be answered with a full paragraph (at least four sentences per paragraph). Please note that these are open-ended questions meant to create critical discussion. I am more interested in how you make sense of this issue, more than getting the "right" answer. Points will be given for completion and for making direct references to the videos.
- Taking the privatization of water in Bolivia as an example, consider how is colonialism ongoing (coloniality)? How does the example of Bolivia (and other similar examples that you might be familiar with) help you understand colonialism, not simply as an event of the past, but as an ongoing process? Explain. Please be sure to reference and give examples from the videos.
- Abuela Grillo depicts a non-Wester/non-Eurocentric conception of water and land. Why is it important to pay attention to these forms of knowledge? What can indigenous Bolivians teach us about the relationship between humans and nature? What rights might be intrinsic to Pachamama (nature)? Explain. Be sure to reference and give examples from the videos.