Reference no: EM131442934
Visit the link provided below. In a grapmmatically correct, well supported response, answer the questions below. Posts should be a bit longer, more like one full page single spaced text with references.
1. Spend some time exploring some of the structures, sculptures and works from the Roman era.
2. Make notes as you look at different views from the works about what you notice and how it relates to architectual and compositional details from other works we have discussed this semester, or other works that you are familiar with from your own experience.
3. Choose 3 SEPARATE ROMAN WORKS that are all presently located in different countries, and for each make a concrete comparison with a related work from either another chapter or your own experiences (3 different works, compared to 3 different non Roman works). For each of these three comparisons, you should list several concrete points of comparison.
4. As you answer the question, strive to apply the new terminology (compositional and architectural) that you are learning in this course.
You should also specifically relate your points of comparison to what you see in the photographs from your own observation. Don't just paraphrase the reading. There are dozens of things you could talk about.
Use the textbook and online references as well as the listed site, list them as your references. Remember not to directly copy unless quoting properly.
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