Exploring first two steps of development planning process

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133334280

Case Study: Talk about employee development and lifelong learning.

This week, we're learning about employee development and lifelong learning. First, we're discerning employee development from employee training. Training is focused on the present and gaining the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to accomplish current objectives and goals. Development is focused on the future and gaining the experience needed to grow in a career.

Employee development begins with a planning process that consists of four steps: self-assessment, reality check, goal setting, and action planning (Noe, 2020).

Self-assessment is the process by which employees determine their own knowledge, skills, abilities, and career interests and evaluate their own attitudes, values, and behaviors. One of the most popular tools used is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) psychological test.

Reality check is a self-assessment that employees conduct from the perspective of others, such as their supervisor or the company as a whole. This is how employees know what knowledge, skills, and abilities they do not have and must obtain. It's also how they know if their own values are aligned with company values and how their own attitude affects others.

Goal setting is the step at which managers usually become involved. Development goals should encompass both short- and long-term growth, and they should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based (SMART). So, development goals could be to gain additional knowledge, skills, and abilities for a current position, to qualify for a lateral move or promotion within the company, or to prepare for an external position.

Action planning documents the steps to be taken to accomplish the employee's short- and long-term development goals. Action planning relies on the previous step and organizes those goals into actionable objectives that can be monitored and measured. Results are then fed back to the beginning of the development process, which repeats in a cycle of continual improvement.

Question: As you write your first response to this discussion, consider your own career management, starting with your own development as a current or future employee. We'll begin the discussion by exploring the first two steps of the development planning process: self-assessment and reality check. Consider your own knowledge, skills, abilities, career interests, attitudes, values, and behaviors as they relate to your current job or to a job you would like to have. As a current employee or job candidate, what are your strengths and weaknesses? Please include APA 7the edition in text citation and APA 7the edition reference

Reference no: EM133334280

Questions Cloud

Describe the emerging infectious disease : Describe the emerging infectious disease. Identify the causative agent and describe the mode of transmission for the disease.
Reading micro with diseases by body system biology : The book is "micro with diseases by body system biology" fifth edition by Robert Bauman.
How is this herbal agent relevant to your nursing practice : What does the evidence say about the adverse effects of this herbal agent? How is this herbal agent relevant to your nursing practice?
What you believe the managerial strategy : what you believe the managerial strategy, (classical, human relations, or high-involvement) may be of the company you are reporting on.
Exploring first two steps of development planning process : discussion by exploring the first two steps of the development planning process: self-assessment and reality check. Consider your own knowledge, skills
What sparked your interest in this career field : Here are some questions you might consider: What sparked your interest in this career field? What does a typical day entail in your line of work?
Identified which the particular crimes allegedly committed : A private individual may file criminal charges in federal courts initiating a criminal proceeding by the government of a person or persons the individual
Which are applied according to their interpretation : The legal system which originated in England and is the system in use in the United States today and principally relies upon the development of legal principle


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