Explored effect of tourism clusters

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM133436376


According to a study that explored the effect of tourism clusters on US hotel performance, the economic performance of hotels located within a geographical touristic cluster is.

Reference no: EM133436376

Questions Cloud

Describe the restrictions on trade : Describe the restrictions on trade, and discuss the arguments in favour and against their use.
Organisation existing consultation processes : Explain how an organisation's existing consultation processes helps in managing an operational plan.
Discuss any global marketing opportunities : Discuss any global marketing opportunities that the company is engaged in. What do you think would be the benefits and challenges of these efforts?
Focusing specifically on venues : Focusing specifically on venues such as sporting events and concerts, how can Uber improve the pickup experience?
Explored effect of tourism clusters : According to a study that explored the effect of tourism clusters on US hotel performance, economic performance of hotels located within geographical touristic
Identify entrepreneur that will agree to speak : Identify an entrepreneur that will agree to speak with you about their experience.
What could you do to maintain position power : What could you do to maintain position power if you were the plant manager.
Integrity and personality assessments : Can you think of certain positions or job categories where integrity and personality assessments are more relevant than others?
What was Seattle strategy : What was Seattle's strategy when he called Sonny to trade for the first round pick? Why do you think he was targeted in their strategy?


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