Explore why the article caught your attention

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131705636 , Length: 1000 Words

Assignment: Biology Article

Use the Internet and / or the Strayer Learning Resource Center to research aspects of biology.

Select an article from a magazine or newspaper that has something in it that pertains to biology. This will serve as the "target article" for this assignment. For instance, you can select an article about medicine, invasive species, nature, conservation, genetic technology, ecology, or any other topic that is related to biology. One purpose of this assignment is to help you become aware of how biology is related to your everyday life.

Write a one to three page paper in which you:

1. Summarize the article in one or more paragraphs, using your own words. Be sure to identify the article using an in-text citation in the body of the paper, as well as a reference in the reference section.

2. Explain how the article relates to this course. Identify which biological concepts from the course and / or text are relevant to the topic covered in the article. Citing the course text, discuss the ways in which this course does (or doesn't) provide background information to help you understand the article and the larger issues surrounding it.

3. Explain why the article caught your attention. Relate the article to your life and to issues that are important to you. Discuss how or if the scientific knowledge about the topic covered in the article affects you directly or indirectly.

4. Discuss your opinion on how research on this topic should be funded. State whether you think taxpayer monies should support research on this topic or whether such research in this area should be funded by the private sector. Rate the importance of research on this topic, relative to other areas of research.

In addition to the target article, you should use at least one additional resource, such as your textbook or another article. You must have a reference section which contains an APA reference to your chosen article and all other sources. Additionally, you must provide in-text citations (in APA format) to your references in the body of the text. Integrate all sources into your paper using proper techniques of quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing, along with your in-text citations.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

• Use technology and information resources to research issues in biology.
• Write clearly and concisely about biology using proper writing mechanics.

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This paper is outlines the importance of stem cell research and regenerative medicine in the medical industry, especially in the treatment, control and management of diseases and conditions that in the history of mankind have never had any effective solution. Conditions such as sickle anemia, Parkinson’s syndrome and diseases such as Epidermolysis Bullosa, which before advent of regenerative medicine, had been more like death sentences are now easily treatable. This paper also emphasizes on the need by governments to fund and support fully research in this revolutionary technology, as it is poised to change the way we have been treating genetic and chronic diseases forever.

Reference no: EM131705636

Questions Cloud

Normally distributed process has specifications : A normally distributed process has specifications of LSL = 75 and USL = 85 on the output. A random sample of 25 parts indicates that the process is centered.
Determine the least amount of taxes being paid in australia : Assume there is no tax treaty between the United States and Australia. Using the information on Australian tax rates found determine the total amount of taxes.
Discuss attitudes they want their clients to portray : ambassadors of their attitudes and ensure they are promoting the attitudes they want their clients to portray
Determine the amount of taxes paid in country a : Albemarle Company is headquartered in Country A and has a wholly owned subsidiary in Country B. In the current year, Albemarle's foreign subsidiary generated.
Explore why the article caught your attention : Explore why the article caught your attention. Relate the article to your life and to issues that are important to you.
Find the upper confidence limit : We also assume that the population values are approximately normally distributed. Find the UPPER confidence limit for a 99% confidence interval for µ.
Define accounting method to an activity-based costing system : If Kelly and Logan switched from its current accounting method to an activity-based costing system
What is the appropriate test : Evaluate the hypothesis that this new steroid hormone decreases blood glucose levels. Use an a-level of 0.05 for this analysis.
Required for a bolt to meet factory tolerances : 1. What are the minimum and maximum lengths required for a bolt to meet factory tolerances? 2. What percentage of bolts will be rejected?


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