Reference no: EM133816941
Question: OpenSSL is an open-source library that implements the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocols. It has long been a widely deployed and freely available implementation of these protocols (Viega, Messier, & Chandra, 2002).
You will begin this Assignment in Week 8 and continue it in Week 9. You will install OpenSSL in a Linux server this week and integrate OpenSSL with Apache server in Week 9. You will also use IBM Virtual Cloud Server to complete this Assignment.
To prepare:
- Review all tasks to complete for the Assignment this week. Note: Screenshots are required for all major steps.
Week 8 Assignment Tasks:
Access and Review the IBM Cloud Virtual Server Management Functionality:
A significant proportion of the practical work will entail use of IBM Virtual Server. To begin, carry out the following familiarization tasks:
1. Create or activate an IBM CloudLinks to an external site. account
2. Log on to your IBM Cloud account.
3. Explore the top-level Cloud Management functions, services, options, and key tools offered by IBM Cloud.
4. Review relevant information on the IBM Cloud Virtual Services online.
5. In IBM Cloud console navigate to Menu icon > VPC Infrastructure > Compute > Virtual server instances.
6. Click on New instance and enter the following information:
a. Provide the name of your virtual server instance(MCYB 6735-your name).
b. Specify the IBM Cloud VPC where you want to create your instance.
c. Select the location where you want your virtual server instance to be created.
d. Profile 1 vCPU and 1 GB memory (no cost).
e. Generate an SSH key by running the ssh-keygen command and following the prompts. For example, you can generate an SSH key on your Linux or Mac system by running the command ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "user_ID". That command generates two files. The generated public key is in the <your key>.pub file. For Windows systems, you can use PuTTYgen to generate an SSH key.
f. Choose an image from the list of images.
g. Assign a network interface card IP address of your choice.
7. Click on Create virtual server instance.
8. Connect to your newly created instance: $ ibmcloud is instance-network-interfaces <MCYB6735> --YOURNAME.
Microsoft Windows Instructions:
MacOS or Linux Instructions:
If your local machine is running MacOS or Linux, you should change the access-permission-property of the private key file to 400 using the command:
chmod 400 MCYB6735-Student-Thomas.key
Then use the following command to connect to the server:
ssh -i "MCYB6735-Student-Thomas.key" [email protected]
The following is a screenshot for changing the access permission for the private key and for a successful connection to the server
After you set up a cloud Linux server, you may use Linux commands to update your system first. The following are example instructions that one might use for Ubuntu Linux at IBM Cloud. Book your writer now for solution!
yum -y update
yum -y install make wgetopenssl-devel ncurses-devel newt-devel libxml2-devel kernel-devel gccgcc-c++ sqlite-devel
This command should also install the current OpenSSL to your server. OpenSSL documentationLinks to an external site. can be found.
Get familiar with OpenSSL command line applications. For example, run the following commands:
1. Encode/decode with base64
2. Encrypt a file and decrypt a file using DES or AES with passwords
3. Generate RSA/DSA private key/public key pairs
4. Encrypt/decrypt using RSA
5. Digitally sign a file using DSA
6. Generate a self-signed certificatePractice with SANS SIFT.
In the Amazon AWS Ubuntu machine, download and install the SANS SIFT
Get familiar with SANS SIFT tools (e.g., review the documentation provided in the Learning Resources.)
Close the SSH session by typing the exit command.
Return to the AWS console and terminate the instance you created.
Submit a report of 3-5 pages in Microsoft Word and APA format in which you include the following:
A summary of the performance of the different tools carrying out the tasks, including screenshots of the tasks you performed.
An analysis of the evidence acquired in the tasks.
Your document should be 3-5 pages (including screenshots but not including the title page and list of references), but it is the quality of the work that is important, not the number of pages. Cite and reference all sources using APA 7 format and style guidelines and submit in a single document.