Reference no: EM132178123
Introduction to Film Studies
Students will write a 5-7 pp. critical analysis, research paper as outlined in the various writing guide articles and chapters posted on Blackboard under the "Course Documents" tab. In these papers, students will choose a topic regarding a particular theme or aspect of a film or set of films and apply formal analysis to several scenes from said films as outlined in the writing guides posted on Blackboard and in Writing About Movies. In addition, students must identify a methodology or critical approach to analyzing said films through the chosen topic. Please see the descriptions below for clarification on topics and potential approaches.
Potential Topics and Theoretical Approaches:
The following topics and theoretical approaches are suggestions for students to use on their final papers; however, you are free to come up with their own topics and methodological approaches.
Topic #1: Ideological Analysis Paper: Corporate Hegemony in Ready Player One (Steven Spielberg, 2018)
Explore the theme of corporate hegemony in mass media and popular culture in analyzing various scenes from Ready Player One (Steven Spielberg, 2018). In this paper you may want to identify and elaborate on representations of corporate hegemony and capitalism along with representations of counter-culture in opposition to corporate hegemony and capitalism. You might also comment on the allegorical nature of
this film as representative of modern society as illustrated in the dystopian future setting of Ready Player One. Since this is primarily a formal analysis paper, you will apply the tools of film analysis along with all other aspects of cinema covered in class including narrative, homage, parody, reflexivity, irony, miseen-scene, cinematography, editing, and sound in analyzing scenes from this film to support your argument.
Topic #2: Historical Analysis Paper: Citizen Kane (Orson Welles, 1941) As The Greatest Film of All Time
Examine and elaborate on the various factors that contributed to Citizen Kane developing into what many critics consider to be one of the most important films of all time. Using this approach, you will want to apply one or a combination of the different historical approaches such as aesthetic, technological, economic, and/or social. Your analysis might also want to examine audience and critical reception of this
film and the factors the led to this film going from doing poorly at the box office during its initial release to its current revered status in film history.
Topic #3: Cultural Analysis Paper: Representations in Cinema
Identify and examine a set of cultural representations in a series of films relating to a wide range of topics. Students may choose any of the following or a combination of the following as the main focus of their papers: representations of socio-economic status, gender, feminism, masculinity, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, mental illness, politics, or other aspects of contemporary culture. In this paper, you will apply the tools of film analysis along with all other aspects of cinema covered in class including narrative, mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing, and sound in analyzing scenes evident in these film(s) to support your argument in terms of the chosen representation(s).
Topic #4: Genre Analysis: Evolution and Development of Film Genres
Conduct an analysis of a particular genre or series of inter-related genres and how the elements of these genres have changed and evolved over their development in cinematic history. In your analysis, you will want to include a basic breakdown of the traditional genre conventions, narrative patterns, stock characters, settings, icons, and other elements typical of that genre. In addition, you will want to identify genre films exemplary of the various stages of the genre development focusing on how certain representations have changed as a result. For instance, in examining the Western genre, you could examine, explore, and compare how Native Americans are represented in films from the early stages of the genre to representations of Native Americans as the genre developed.
Topics #5: Narrative Theory Analysis of Yojimbo and Fist Full of Dollars: Homage or Theft?
Compare and contrast the narratives of Yojimbo and Fist Full of Dollars in terms of structure, characters, mythological references, etc., through a formal analysis of both films. In addition, you will want to collect information from both directors commenting on the similarities and differences between the two films, along with critical responses pertinent to this concept and from academics commenting on the similarities between the two films. You will also want to comment on whether or not this is acceptable and what the narrative similarities between these two films suggests in terms of mythology and culture.
Topic #6: Formal Analysis of Birdman as a Representation of the Experience of Mental Illness
Examine and identify the formal elements of Birdman including the cinematography, mise-en-scene, performance, narrative structure, editing, and sound all exhibit and reinforce the concept of mental illness either in one of the individual characters or society in general. In your study, you will want to include academic papers and critical reviews of the film that touch on this concept. You will also want to apply
the tools of film analysis along in relation to homage, parody, reflexivity, themes, motifs, physical transformation, etc. from this film to support your argument.
Topic #7: Historical Analysis of Casablanca as a Media Artifact Representing America's Entry into World War II
Examine and identify the formal elements of Casablanca including the cinematography, mise-en-scene, performance, narrative structure, editing, and sound all exhibit and reinforce the concept of America's transition from isolationism to involvement in WWII at that time in history. In your study, you will want to include academic papers and critical reviews of the film that touch on this concept. You will also want to apply the tools of film analysis along in relation to homage, parody, reflexivity, themes, motifs, physical transformation, etc. from this film to support your argument.
Topic #8: Audience Reception Analysis of the Cult Film
Examine any cult film in terms of audience reception and how that particular film became a cult classic. This type of study will require a bit of formal analysis of the cinematography, mise-en-scene, editing, performance, sound, etc., but you will want to frame your ideas around how these formal elements contributed to the cult status of the film, which might come in the form of shouting out lines or performing specific actions while the film is playing in front of audiences. You may want to focus on a single cult film or a group of cult classic films that are important cultural media artifacts and how these films are symptomatic of recurring sentiments or social commentary in the culture or society that produced these films and the audiences that consume them.