Explore the moral ambiguity in the stories you have read

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Reference no: EM131171071

Nathanial Hawthorne

1. DISCUSSION BOARD (200 words)


Young Goodman Brown: https://www.eldritchpress.org/nh/ygb.html

The Minister's Black Veil: https://www.eldritchpress.org/nh/mbv.html

Rappaccini's Daughter:


Discussion questions:

Explore the moral ambiguity in the stories you have read for this unit ("Young Goodman Brown" "The Minister's Black Veil" and "Rappaccini's Daughter"). How do they affect the reader's ability to discern "good" and "evil" characters?

2. Weekly wiki (150 words)

Students will choose a short excerpt / quote from one of the readings of that week, type it in, then add a short (150 words or so) explanation for your choice. Was your selection important because it:

• is an example of beautiful or striking language?
• exemplifies a particular theme or character?
• makes the reader think about something in a new way?
• is typically "American" in some way (and in what way)?
• was just something that you liked?

Try not to use the same quote that someone else already has; if you must, make sure that what you say about it is original.

For example:

"My country is the world, and my religion is to do good." Thomas Paine.

I chose this quote because I think it is a good example of Enlightenment thought which was very popular during the late 1700's. Paine is rejecting formal ties to any specific country or any particular religion (humanist world view). He is focused on the here and now, not an afterlife, and this concern is evident in his writing about social and political systems that influenced the thinkers behind the American Revolution. The language is simple and straightforward.

3. Write responses for other three student's work. (50-75 words each)

First student

The evolution of women has expanded immensely over the past few centuries. From anti-slavery, to women's suffrage, and equality for women, it is evident that women are now in a place where they have a strong opinion and voice. Through the numerous movements, women have had a strong presence in the changes that are being seeked. These social movements have proved that the voices of women have a large impact on the oublic opinion. We are currently facing many social ssues involving race, terrorists, and gun contril. Women, whether in political roles, mothers, or activists, have taken a stand to support their loved ones. These type of women are seen as leaders and visionaries in today's society. The evolution will continue to grow and will hopefully spark more women in leadership positions.

Out of all the women who have taken a stand against current issues that our society is facing, the group that tends to sway the most attention and affection are mothers. Mothers are seeing a large increase in their children (mainly sons) are losing their lives due to unforseen circumstances. These women have taken a stand and have created movements to bring attention to how crucial and current these are.

Women have taken a stand to defend themselves, their loved ones, and protect their country. In the past few centuries, there has been an increase in leadership roles such as: business managers and political leaders. The future of the United States can be consoled and sheltered under the embrace of women.

Second student

Woman still get paid less than man in certain circumstances (Woman's National Soccer team comes to mine). Woman were held back compared to men in the earlier 20th century and freedom and equality. Now in 2016, the idea of inequality between is sexes is unacceptable. The woman staying home "cooking and cleaning" and tending the house are as stereotype over. Most households now have two working parents or even stay at home dad. MADD was extremely influential in the DARE program in the 90's and is still active today. Many other feminist groups are active and contributing to healthy discussions on broad social topics we face today. Fortunately, the 2nd amendment shall not be infringed upon, and has not had many changes since its inception. Although, discussion on the topic is healthier than it has ever been before.

Woman will continue to make up 50% of the ideas created and talked about in society. There is no exception for inequality between sexes and these movements help prove that.

Third student

Women role in today's society evolved so much in the past 50-60 years. Woman's activism forced everyone in society to take a stance on woman's rights. However, even in today's age there are still issues that need to be addressed and is absolutely unacceptable. For instance, woman's salaries tend to still be lower then men's even when they both work in the same field. Women CEO pay is extremely less than male CEO pay. Despite all of that, we have a woman running for president and "womanly" duties are not nearly the same as they used to be. In today's age, both men and women are expected to work the same amount of hours and share the same amount of household duties.

Reference no: EM131171071

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