Explore the moderating role of culture dimensions

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM133782342 , Length: word count:3000

Question: Need someone to write PhD proposal 3000 words must be includes: brief introduction of topic, objectives, literature review(theory and hypothesis), research design and methods, implications and contribution of the knowledge, conclusion and references:Harvard;list (the references must be up to date.)

Also I attached 2 files, You may put those files on your consideration while you write the proposal. Title: The impact of female directors characteristics on climate change risk disclosure in the GCC region: the moderating role of culture and regulatory quality. Female director characteristics can include gender, age, education, ethnicity, religion, experience, expertise.


Question 1- To examine the impact of female director characteristics on climate change risk disclosure (use agency theory to develop a hypothesis for this objective, suggesting a positive relation).

Question 2- To explore the moderating role of culture dimensions in the link between female directors characteristics and climate change risk disclosure (use institutional theory to develop a hypothesis for this objective, suggesting a positive relation).

Question 3- To appreciate the moderating role if the regulatory quality on the link between female director characteristics and climate change risk disclosure (use institutional theory to develop a hypothesis for this objective, suggesting a positive relation).

Theories: use a multi-theoretical framework including the agency theory for the first hypothesis and institutional theory for the second and third. Method: panel data techniques, including OLS, GMM, entropy balancing.

Gerged, A.M. orcid.org/0000-0001-6805-2737 (2021) Factors affecting corporate environmental disclosure in emerging markets: The role of corporate governance structures. Business Strategy and the Environment

Factors affecting corporate environmental disclosure in emerging economies - the role of corporate governance structures

Reference no: EM133782342

Questions Cloud

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What the organizations could learn from each other : What the organizations could learn from each other? Lessons learned from your organizational review of the two/three organizations.
Explore the moderating role of culture dimensions : Examine the impact of female director characteristics on climate change risk disclosure (use agency theory to develop a hypothesis for this objective
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Social factors impact person receiving treatment for issue : Discuss a social factor or social stressor that impacts the behavior. How might social factors impact a person receiving treatment for the issue?
Knowledge of types of labour unions : For international HR managers, a knowledge of the types of labour unions that exist in a particular country is essential.
What aspects of church of jesus christ of latter-day saints : What aspects of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints seem to cause tension with the "outside world?" Why?


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